Cisco SCA BB Protocol Reference Guide
Cisco SCA BB Protocol Reference Guide
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Review Draft - Cisco ConfidentialCisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideProtocol Pack #55 November 28, 2016Cisco Systems, Inc. has more than 200 offices worldwide. Addresses, phone numbers, and fax numbers are listed on the Cisco website at SPECIFICATIONS AND INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCTS IN THIS MANUAL ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. ALL STATEMENTS, INFORMATION, AND RECOMMENDATIONS IN THIS MANUAL ARE BELIEVED TO BE ACCURATE BUT ARE PRESENTED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. USERS MUST TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR APPLICATION OF ANY PRODUCTS.THE SOFTWARE LICENSE AND LIMITED WARRANTY FOR THE ACCOMPANYING PRODUCT ARE SET FORTH IN THE INFORMATION PACKET THAT SHIPPED WITH THE PRODUCT AND ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE. IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO LOCATE THE SOFTWARE LICENSE OR LIMITED WARRANTY, CONTACT YOUR CISCO REPRESENTATIVE FOR A COPY.The Cisco implementation of TCP header compression is an adaptation of a program developed by the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) as part of UCB's public domain version of the UNIX operating system. All rights reserved. Copyright © 1981, Regents of the University of California.NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER WARRANTY HEREIN, ALL DOCUMENT FILES AND SOFTWARE OF THESE SUPPLIERS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITH ALL FAULTS. CISCO AND THE ABOVE-NAMED SUPPLIERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE, OR TRADE PRACTICE.IN NO EVENT SHALL CISCO OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS OR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO DATA ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS MANUAL, EVEN IF CISCO OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL: Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1110R)Any Internet Protocol (IP) addresses used in this document are not intended to be actual addresses. Any examples, command display output, and figures included in the document are shown for illustrative purposes only. Any use of actual IP addresses in illustrative content is unintentional and coincidental.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide © 2006 - 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.1 C H A P T E R 2 C H A P T E R 3 C H A P T E R 4 C H A P T E R 5 C H A P T E ROL-9764-47CONTENTSAbout this Guide v Introduction v Document Revision History v Organization x Related Publications xi Conventions xii Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request 1-xiii1-xiiiP2P Protocols 1-1 Introduction 1-1Internet Protocols 2-1 Introduction 2-1IP Protocols 3-1 Introduction 3-1Protocol Signatures 4-1 Introduction 4-1General Information 5-1 Introduction 5-1 HTTP Download - URL-based Signatures 5-1 Flash-based Signatures 5-1 31SMS 5-2 Skype Signatures and Support Matrix 5-2 Viber Unidirectional Flow Classification 5-4 Messaging Counting Support for Viber 5-4 Tunable Support for Few Android Appstore 5-5 Getflix Application Support for Mobile Devices 5-5Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideiiiContentsAlicall Signatures and Support Matrix 5-5 Blocking Alicall 5-5Gmail Video and VoIP Signatures Support 5-6 Gmail Video Signature Details 5-6 Blocking Gmail Video 5-6Effective Blocking of Yahoo Messenger VoIP Services 5-7 MSN VoIP Traffic Blocking 5-7 Thunder Service: Blocking Thunder Download 5-8Thunder Service: Blocking WebThunder Download 5-11 Generic P2PSuspected (Not supported in release PP #27 and later) 5-13 HeadCall 5-13 P2P Throttling 5-13 Popcorn-Time 5-14 Behavioral Upload Download Signature Updates 5-14 Service Tree and HTTP Browsing 5-14 Teredo 5-15 BBC iPlayer 5-15 STUN 5-16 YouTube Blocking 5-16 Flash youtube 5-16 FourSquare 5-16 Skype 5-16 SpiderOak Hive 5-16 Tor obfuscation (obfsproxy) 5-17 Dailymotion 5-17 Ubisoft Uplay 5-17 Google Services 5-17 DroidVPN 5-18 Methods of Blocking Applicable only to Protocol Pack #36 5-18 Methods of Blocking Applicable only to Protocol Pack #37 5-18 Methods of Blocking (Protocol Pack #38) 5-19 Setting the Content Filtering Category Preference (Protocol Pack #39) 5-19 Methods of Blocking (Protocol Pack #42) 5-19Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideivOL-9764-47About this GuideIntroductionThis reference guide is intended to provide information about protocol support in Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband (SCA BB) to the various users and potential users of Cisco SCA BB.Document Revision HistoryThe Document Revision History below records changes to this document.Table 1Document Revision HistoryRevision OL-9764-60 OL-9764-59 OL-9764-58 OL-9764-57 OL-9764-56 OL-9764-55Related Protocol Pack Notes, Cisco Service Control Release and Date Protocol Pack #55, Cisco SCA BB 5.2.0Nov 28, 2016 Protocol Pack #54, Cisco SCA BB 4.2.0, 5.2.0July 25, 2016 Protocol Pack #53, Cisco SCA BB 4.2.0, 5.2.0May 27, 2016 Protocol Pack #52, Cisco SCA BB 4.2.0, 5.2.0March 25, 2016 Protocol Pack #51, Cisco SCA BB 4.2.0, 5.1.0, 5.2.0February 3, 2016 Protocol Pack #50, Cisco SCA BB 4.2.0, 5.1.0, 5.2.0November 30, 2015Change Summary Protocol Pack #55 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #54 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #53 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #52 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #51 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #50 protocol information addedCisco Service Control Application for Broadband Reference GuidevTable 1Document Revision History (continued)Revision OL-9764-60 OL-9764-59 OL-9764-54 OL-9764-53 OL-9764-52 OL-9764-51 OL-9764-50 OL-9764-49 OL-9764-48 OL-9764-47 OL-9764-46 OL-9764-45 OL-9764-44Related Protocol Pack Notes, Cisco Service Control Release and Date Protocol Pack #55, Cisco SCA BB 5.2.0Nov 28, 2016 Protocol Pack #54, Cisco SCA BB 4.2.0, 5.2.0July 25, 2016 Protocol Pack #49, Cisco SCA BB 4.2.0, 5.1.0, 5.2.0September 30, 2015 Protocol Pack #48, Cisco SCA BB 4.0.0, 4.2.0, 5.1.0July 29, 2015 Protocol Pack #47, Cisco SCA BB 4.0.0, 4.2.0, 5.1.0May 28, 2015 Protocol Pack #46, Cisco SCA BB 4.0.0, 4.2.0, 5.0.0, 5.1.0March 30, 2015 Protocol Pack #45, Cisco SCA BB 4.0.0, 4.1.0, 4.2.0, 5.0.0January 31, 2015 Protoco Pack #44, Cisco SCA BB 4.0.0, 4.1.0, 4.2.0, 5.0.0December 08, 2014 Protocol Pack #43, Cisco SCA BB 4.0.0, 4.1.0, 4.2.0, 5.0.0September 30, 2014 Protocol Pack #42, Cisco SCA BB 4.0.0, 4.1.0May 31, 2014 Protocol Pack #41, Cisco SCA BB 4.0.0, 4.1.0May 31, 2014 Protocol Pack #40, Cisco SCA BB 4.0.0, 4.1.0March 31, 2014 Protocol Pack #39, Cisco SCA BB 3.7.2, 3.8.5, 4.0.0, 4.1.0January 31, 2014Change Summary Protocol Pack #55 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #54 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #49 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #48 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #47 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #46 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #45 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #44 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #43 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #42 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #41 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #40 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #39 protocol information addedCisco Service Control Application for Broadband Reference GuideviTable 1Document Revision History (continued)Revision OL-9764-60 OL-9764-59 OL-9764-43 OL-9764-42 OL-9764-41 OL-9764-40 OL-9764-39 OL-9764-38 OL-9764-37 OL-9764-36 OL-9764-35 OL-9764-34 OL-9764-33Related Protocol Pack Notes, Cisco Service Control Release and Date Protocol Pack #55, Cisco SCA BB 5.2.0Nov 28, 2016 Protocol Pack #54, Cisco SCA BB 4.2.0, 5.2.0July 25, 2016 Protocol Pack #38, Cisco SCA BB 3.7.2, 3.8.5, 4.0.0November 29, 2013 Protocol Pack #37, Cisco SCA BB 4.0.0September 30, 2013 Protocol Pack #36, Cisco SCA BB 4.0.0August 08, 2013 Protocol Pack #36, Cisco SCA BB 3.8.5August 07, 2013 Protocol Pack #35, Cisco SCA BB 4.0.0July 18, 2013 Protocol Pack #35, Cisco SCA BB 3.8.5June 14, 2013 Protocol Pack #34, Cisco SCA BB 3.8.5April 12, 2013 Protocol Pack #33, Cisco SCA BB 3.8.5January 31, 2013 Protocol Pack #32, Cisco SCA BB 3.8.0November 29, 2012 Protocol Pack #31, Cisco SCA BB 3.7.5September 30, 2012 Protocol Pack #30, Cisco SCA BB 3.7.5August 13, 2012Change Summary Protocol Pack #55 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #54 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #38 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #37 protocol information updated for Cisco SCA BB 4.0.0Protocol Pack #36 protocol information updated for Cisco SCA BB 4.0.0Protocol Pack #36 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #35 protocol information updated for Cisco SCA BB 4.0.0Protocol Pack #35 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #34 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #33 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #32 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #31 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #30 protocol information addedCisco Service Control Application for Broadband Reference GuideviiTable 1Document Revision History (continued)Revision OL-9764-60 OL-9764-59 OL-9764-32 OL-9764-31 OL-9764-30 OL-9764-29 OL-9764-29 OL-9764-29 OL-9764-29 OL-9764-28 OL-9764-27 OL-9764-26 OL-9764-25Related Protocol Pack Notes, Cisco Service Control Release and Date Protocol Pack #55, Cisco SCA BB 5.2.0Nov 28, 2016 Protocol Pack #54, Cisco SCA BB 4.2.0, 5.2.0July 25, 2016 Protocol Pack #29, Cisco SCA BB 3.7.5May 30, 2012 Protocol Pack #29, Cisco SCA BB 3.7.2May 30, 2012 Protocol Pack #28, Cisco SCA BB 3.7.2April 3, 2012 Protocol Pack #27, Cisco SCA BB 3.7.2February 16, 2012 Protocol Pack #27, Cisco SCA BB 3.7.2February 2, 2012 Protocol Pack #27, Cisco SCA BB 3.7.2January 30, 2012 Protocol Pack #27, Cisco SCA BB 3.7.2January 24, 2012 Protocol Pack #26, Cisco SCA BB 3.7.0November 8, 2011 Protocol Pack #25, Cisco SCA BB 3.6.5July 12, 2011 Protocol Pack #24, Cisco SCA BB3.6.5April 28, 2011 Protocol Pack #24, Cisco SCA BB 3.6.5March 8, 2011Change Summary Protocol Pack #55 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #54 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #29 information updated for Cisco SCA BB 3.7.5Protocol Pack #29 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #28 protocol information addedNote added to Flashget sectionMinor changesRemoved Dropbox from Protocol Pack #26Protocol Pack #27 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #26 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #25 protocol information addedUpdated the ooVoo protocol version information supportedProtocol Pack #24 protocol information addedCisco Service Control Application for Broadband Reference GuideviiiTable 1Document Revision History (continued)Revision OL-9764-60 OL-9764-59 OL-9764-24 OL-9764-23 OL-9764-22 OL-9764-21 OL-9764-20 OL-9764-19 OL-9764-18 OL-9764-17 OL-9764-16 OL-9764-15 OL-9764-14Related Protocol Pack Notes, Cisco Service Control Release and Date Protocol Pack #55, Cisco SCA BB 5.2.0Nov 28, 2016 Protocol Pack #54, Cisco SCA BB 4.2.0, 5.2.0July 25, 2016 Protocol Pack #23, v 3.6.5February 15, 2011Protocol Pack #23, Cisco SCA BB 3.6.5December 14, 2010 Protocol Pack #23, Cisco SCA BB 3.6.0 and SCA BB 3.6.1November 12, 2010 Protocol Pack #22, Cisco SCA BB 3.6.0 and SCA BB 3.6.1August 12, 2010 Protocol Pack #21, Cisco SCA BB 3.6.0May 3, 2010 Protocol Pack #20, Cisco SCA BB 3.5.5January 28, 2010 Protocol Pack #19, Cisco SCA BB 3.5.5October 29, 2009 Protocol Pack #18, Cisco SCA BB 3.5.5August 15, 2009 Protocol Pack #17, Cisco SCA BB 3.5.0May, 2009 Protocol Pack #16, Cisco SCA BB3.5.0February, 2009 Protocol Pack #15, Cisco SCA BB 3.1.6November, 2008Change Summary Protocol Pack #55 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #54 protocol information addedUpdated the procedure for blocking Thunder downloads, Thunder Service: Blocking Thunder Download Protocol Pack #23 supported on SCA BB Release 3.6.5Protocol Pack #23 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #22 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #21 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #20 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #19 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #18 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #17 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #16 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #15 protocol information addedCisco Service Control Application for Broadband Reference GuideixTable 1Document Revision History (continued)Revision OL-9764-60 OL-9764-59 OL-9764-13 OL-9764-12 OL-9764-11 OL-9764-10 OL-9764-09 OL-9764-08 OL-9764-07 OL-9764-06 OL-9764-05 OL-9764-04 OL-9764-03Related Protocol Pack Notes, Cisco Service Control Release and Date Protocol Pack #55, Cisco SCA BB 5.2.0Nov 28, 2016 Protocol Pack #54, Cisco SCA BB 4.2.0, 5.2.0July 25, 2016 Protocol Pack #14, Cisco SCA BB 3.1.6July, 2008 Protocol Pack #13, Cisco SCA BB3.1.6March, 2008 Protocol Pack #12, Cisco SCA BB 3.1.5January, 2008 Protocol Pack #11, Cisco SCA BB 3.1.1November, 2007 Protocol Pack #10, Cisco SCA BB 3.1.0August, 2007 Protocol Pack #09, Cisco SCA BB 3.1.0June, 2007 Protocol Pack #08, Cisco SCA BB 3.0.6March, 2007 Protocol Pack #07, Cisco SCA BB 3.0.5AJanuary, 2007 Protocol Pack #06, Cisco SCA BB 3.0.5November, 2006 Protocol Pack #06, Cisco SCA BB 3.0.4November, 2006 Protocol Pack #05, Cisco SCA BB 3.0.4September, 2006Change Summary Protocol Pack #55 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #54 protocol information added· Protocol Pack #14 protocol information added.· General Information chapter added. Protocol Pack #13 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #12 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #11 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #10 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #09 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #08 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #07 protocol information addedSCA BB 3.0.5 protocol information added (see Table (4 5).Protocol Pack #06 protocol information added· Protocol Signatures chapter updated. · Gaming protocols added.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Reference GuidexTable 1Document Revision History (continued)Revision OL-9764-60 OL-9764-59 OL-9764-02 OL-9764-01Related Protocol Pack Notes, Cisco Service Control Release and Date Protocol Pack #55, Cisco SCA BB 5.2.0 Nov 28, 2016 Protocol Pack #54, Cisco SCA BB 4.2.0, 5.2.0 July 25, 2016 Protocol Pack #05 August, 2006Protocol Pack #04 April, 2006Change Summary Protocol Pack #55 protocol information addedProtocol Pack #54 protocol information added· Added Protocol Signatures. · Protocols updated for Protocol Pack#05. Created the Cisco SCA BB Protocol Reference Guide.OrganizationThis guide contains the following sections:Table 2Document OrganizationChapter Title Chapter 1 P2P ProtocolsChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsChapter 3 IP ProtocolsChapter 4 Protocol SignaturesChapter 5 General InformationDescriptionA listing of all P2P protocols currently supported by SCA BB.A listing of all other Internet protocols currently supported by SCA BBA listing of all IP protocols currently supported by SCA BB.A listing of all protocol signatures currently supported by SCA BB.Information regarding URL-based HTTP protocol signatures and classifying HTTP Flash-based signatures.Related PublicationsFor more information regarding configuring and running the Cisco SCA BB application refer to: · Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband User Guide · Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Reference Guide For information regarding existing Protocol Packs, see the Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Pack Notes.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Reference GuidexiConventionsThis document uses the following conventions:Table 3ConventionsConvention bold font italic font[ ] {x | y | z}[x | y | z]stringcourier font < > [ ] !, #Indication Commands and keywords and user-entered text appear in bold font. Document titles, new or emphasized terms, and arguments for which you supply values are in italic font. Elements in square brackets are optional. Required alternative keywords are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. Optional alternative keywords are grouped in brackets and separated by vertical bars. A nonquoted set of characters. Do not use quotation marks around the string or the string will include the quotation marks. Terminal sessions and information the system displays appear in courier font. Nonprinting characters such as passwords are in angle brackets. Default responses to system prompts are in square brackets. An exclamation point (!) or a pound sign (#) at the beginning of a line of code indicates a comment line.Note Means reader take note.Tip Means the following information will help you solve a problem.Caution Means reader be careful. In this situation, you might perform an action that could result in equipment damage or loss of data.Timesaver Means the described action saves time. You can save time by performing the action described in the paragraph.Warning Means reader be warned. In this situation, you might perform an action that could result in bodily injury.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Reference GuidexiiObtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service RequestObtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service RequestFor information on obtaining documentation, using the Cisco Bug Search Tool (BST), submitting a service request, and gathering additional information, see What's New in Cisco Product Documentation. To receive new and revised Cisco technical content directly to your desktop, you can subscribe to the What's New in Cisco Product Documentation RSS feed. The RSS feeds are a free service.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Reference GuidexiiiCisco Service Control Application for Broadband Reference GuidexivP2P Protocols1 C H A P T E RIntroductionThis chapter lists the P2P protocols currently supported by Cisco SCA BB. For each protocol, the following information is provided:· Clients of this protocol that are supported, including the specific version supported.· Default TCP ports for these P2P protocols. Traffic on these ports would be classified to the specific protocol as a default, in case this traffic was not classified based on any of the protocol signatures.· Comments; these mostly relate to the differences between various Cisco SCA BB releases in the level of support for the P2P protocol for specified clients.Table 1-1P2P ProtocolsProtocol Name AcestreamValidated Clients Acestream PC v2.1TCP Ports --Amazon Appstore Android v12.0000.803.0C_642000010Angle Media--AntsP2PBeta 1.5.6 b 0.9.3 with PP#05AptoideAndroid v7.0.6BaiBaoBaiBao v1.3.1BaiduBaidu PC [Web Browser], Android v6.1.0Baidu MovieBaidu Movie 2000BBBroadcastBBBroadcast 1.2-- None -- None None NoneNone NoneComments Supported PC v2.1 as of Protocol Pack #39. Supported PC v3.0 as of Protocol Pack #44. Supported as of Protocol Pack #44. Supported as of Protocol Pack #13. -- Supported as of Protocol Pack #52. -- Supported as of Protocol Pack #44.Supported as of Protocol Pack #08. Supported as of Protocol Pack #12.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide1-1IntroductionChapter 1 P2P ProtocolsTable 1-1P2P Protocols (continued)Protocol Name BitTorrentValidated ClientsTCP PortsBitTorrent v4.0.16881-6889, 6969exeem v0.23Morpheus v5.0 betaAzureus v2.3 - as of 2.5.7, with the Sep 05 Protocol Pack (PP #01)Bit Comet 0.60 - as of 2.5.7, with the Nov 05 Protocol Pack (PP #02)Azureus v2.4.0.2 - as of 2.5.9 / 3.01, with Protocol Pack #04BitComet v0.63 - as of 2.5.9 / 3.01, Protocol Pack #04uTorrent 1.5 - as of 2.5.9 / 3.01, Protocol Pack #04uTorrent 1.6 - as of 2.5.10 / 3.04, Protocol Pack #06Azureus as of 2.5.10 / 3.0.5 with Protocol Pack #07ABC 3.1 as of 2.5.10 / 3.0.5 with Protocol Pack #07Deluge BitTorrent 0.5.6 as of Protocol Pack #12Azureus 3.0.3 as of Protocol Pack #12uTorrent 1.8 as of Protocol Pack #13BitComet v0.99 as of Protocol Pack #13Azureus Vuze 3.0.5 as of Protocol Pack #14BitTorrent DNA 2.2.2 as of Protocol Pack #19BitTorrent 6.2 as of Protocol Pack #19uTorrent 2.0.2 as of Protocol Pack #22BitTorrent 7.1 as of Protocol Pack #23uTorrent 2.0.4 as of Protocol Pack #23BitComet v1.28 as of Protocol Pack #26Torrent 3.1 as of Protocol Pack#27BitTorrent 7.6 as of Protocol Pack #27(ipv6 support)BitTorrent v 7.8 Build 29112, Utorrent v 3.3 Build 29333,and Android v 1.18 as of Protocol Pack #34CommentsSupported Bittorrent Sync as of PP#38 Android v-1.1.37, iOS v-1.1.118 ans PC v-1.1.27.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide1-2Chapter 1 P2P ProtocolsIntroductionTable 1-1P2P Protocols (continued)Protocol Name BumpValidated ClientsTCP PortsAndroid v-1.1.37, iOS v-1.1.118 ans PC v-1.1.27Bitcomet 1.40Android v3.5.8, iOS v3.5.8, PC (Web None Browser)CarbonitePC v 5.4.4 Build 2952, iOS v 3.0.5, Android v3.1.1PC v5.4.4 Build 2952, iOS v3.1.1 Android v3.1.3NoneClub Box Carousel Crashplan Cubby DHTDijjer DirectConnectDropbox eDonkeyEiny EmuleEncryptedEntropy--NoneAndroid v1.0.1, iOS v1.0.1--Android v3.5.4, iOS v3.5.4, PC v3.5.3 NoneAndroid v, iOS v 1.0.12066, PC (Web Browser)NoneDistributed Hash Table Protocol mostly used by p2p applications such as Azureus, BitComet, Metastock, uTorrent, etc.None1.0 build117-as of 2.5.9/ 3.0.1 with -- Protocol Pack #04CDZC++ v0.666411-413DC++ v0.4034DirectConnect 2 v2.20 build 5Dropbox v1.4.9 and v1.4.11NoneAndroid -v2.3.12.22 iOS v4.2.4eDonkey v1.0 eMule v0.44d Morpheus v5.0 beta4661-4665, 4672-4673, 4711, 5662, 5773, 5783[UDP ports are the same]Einy 0.47cNoneeMule v0.48a as of 2.5.10/3.0.6/3.1.0 with Protocol Pack #10eMule v0.49a as of Protocol Pack #14eMule v 0.50a as of Protocol Pack #33As of 2.5.10 with Protocol Pack--#07/3.0.5CommentsSupported Bitcomet 1.40 as of Protocol Pack #52. Supported as of Protocol Pack #35. Support for Bump is discontinued as of Protocol Pack #39. Supported as of Protocol Pack #34.Updated support to Android v 3.1.3, iOS v 3.1.1 as of Protocol Pack #35. Supported as of Protocol Pack #08. Supported as of Protocol Pack #42. Supported as of Protocol Pack #36. Supported as of Protocol Pack #34. Supported as of Protocol Pack #06.-- --Supported as of Protocol Pack #30. Supported as of Protocol Pack #52. --Supported as of Protocol Pack #20. Supported as of Protocol Pack #06.Supported as of Protocol Pack #06.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide1-3IntroductionTable 1-1P2P Protocols (continued)Protocol Name Validated ClientsTCP PortsEvernoteAndroid v4.5.4, iOS v5.2.3, PC v4.6.4 NoneExosee0.99.022 as of 2.5.9/3.0.1 with Protocol -- Pack#04FastTrack KaZaA Grokster v2.6--File TransferKazaa lite v2.6Kazaa media desktop v3.0Morpheus v5.0 betaFastTrack KaZaA iMesh v4.5 build 150 Networking1214FeidianFeidian v1.3NoneFileguriFileguri v5.29NoneFileTopiaFileTopia v3.04dNoneFreenetFreenet 0.7NoneFurthurAs of 2.5.9/3.01 with Protocol Pack #04 --FlashgetFlashget Chinese version v3.7.0.1152 NoneGnutella File TransferGnutella Networking Google PhotosGuru GuruBearshare v51 Lime Wire v4.0 Lime Wire v4.14.12 Morpheus v5.0 beta iMesh v4.5 build 150None 6346-6349Pc browsers,NoneIphone:1.11.0,Android: GuruNoneHotlineHotline connect5498, 5500-5503Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide1-4Chapter 1 P2P ProtocolsComments Supported as of Protocol Pack #35. ------Supported as of Protocol Pack #08. Supported as of Protocol Pack #18. -- Supported as of Protocol Pack #06. -- Supported as of Protocol Pack #25.Note Within the Flashget Application there is the possibility to download software. This is blocked since this is based on the configured ZoneIP defined in the Protocol Pack.Support enhanced as of Protocol Pack #17.Support enhanced as of Protocol Pack #17. Supported as of Protocol Pack #542.5.7: requires Protocol Pack. 3.0.0: Temporarily not supported (the protocol is supported in the #04 Protocol Pack for 3.0.1). Service tree mapping changed from FileSharing > P2P > OtherP2P to Instant Messaging > Other Instant Messaging in PP#37 (Applicable for 400).Chapter 1 P2P ProtocolsTable 1-1P2P Protocols (continued)Protocol Name Hotspot Shield JustcloudValidated Clients PC v2.88(Free and Elite) Android v 1.0.11, iOS v 1.18, and PC (Web Browser)TCP Ports None NoneKindleV3.6.0 for android, v3.3 for iPhone NoneKuroKuro v4.93NoneKuGoo Location Free LottoFileManolitoMEGAV3.243 LF-B10/20 V4.6.7Blubster v2.5 Piolet v1.05 PC (Web Browser), Android v1.1.1None None NoneNoneNoneMegacloud Mute Monkey3Android v1.4.1, iOS v1.7.2, PC Mute v 0.3-t V3 supported as of Protocol Pack #19None None NoneMozyNapster NeoNet NodeZilla OpenDrivePando PeerEnablerAndroid v1.5.0, iOS v-1.5.0, PC v2.20.2.276NoneNapster 2 v2.2NoneMorpheus v5.0 betaNoneNodeZilla v0.4.3NoneAndroid v2.0.1, iOS v2.3.1 and PC(Web None Browser)Pando v1.6.11--As of protocol 2.5.9/3.0.1 with Protocol -- Pack #04IntroductionComments Supported as of Protocol Pack #34. Supported as of Protocol Pack #34. Updated support to Android v-1.0.12 and iOS v-1.2.0 as of Protocol Pack #35. Supported as of Protocol Pack #32. Protocol Service Tree Mapping changed for Kindle App in Protocol Pack #33. 2.5.7: requires Protocol Pack. 3.0.0: Temporarily not supported (the protocol is supported in the #04 Protocol Pack for 3.0.1). Supported as of Protocol Pack #10. Supported as of Protocol Pack #09. Downloading files supported as of Protocol Pack #19. --Supported as of Protocol Pack #34. Updated support to Android v1.1.1 as of Protocol Pack #36. Supported as of Protocol Pack #36. -- Downloading files supported as of Protocol Pack #19. This protocol is only partially supported in release 3.1.7 because flavors are not supported. Supported as of Protocol Pack #36.-- -- -- Supported as of Protocol Pack #38.Supported as of Protocol Pack #10. --Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide1-5IntroductionTable 1-1P2P Protocols (continued)Protocol Name Validated ClientsTCP PortsPocoPoco 2005 build 0405NonePoco 2006 build 11.22 as of 2.5.10/3.0.5 with Protocol Pack #07Poco 2007 beta as of 2.5.10/3.0.6/3.1.0 with Protocol Pack #09PPFilmPPFilm v1.0.7.4 - As of 2.5.7 with the None Sep 05 Protocol Pack(PP#01)PPLive v1.1.1.0 - As of 2.5.8 and 3.0.0 with the Jan 06 Protocol Pack(PP#03)PPLive v1.6.19 - As of 2.5.10 and 3.0.6 with PP08PPLive v1.8.x As of Protocol Pack #12PPLive v1.9.35 As of Protocol Pack #14PPLive v1.9.47 As of Protocol Pack #18PPLive v2.2.2 (Chinese version) As of Protocol Pack #18PPlive v2.3.5. - As of Protocol Pack #21PPStv(PPStream) PPStreamv1.0.098As of 2.5.7 with the -- Nov05 Protocol Pack #02As of 3.0.0 with the Jan 06 Protocol Pack #03V2.0 supported as of 2.5.10/3.0.6/3.1.0 with Protocol Pack #10PPStream v2.6.86 supported as of Protocol Pack #21PPStream v2.7.0.1166 supported as of Protocol Pack #25Rodi0.3.60 with PP#05--ShareNT5 and EX2 with PP #05NoneShareman----SkeedReceiver V1 and v2--SongsariSongsari v0.7.0.148NoneSopCast2.0.4NoneChapter 1 P2P ProtocolsComments 2.5.7: Requires November 2005 Protocol Pack.Supported as of Protocol Pack #15. Strengthening the PPLive v2.3.5. As of Protocol Pack #28.Supported PC Web Browser, Android v3.0.7, iOS v3.1.0 as of Protocol Pack #43.-- -- Supported as of Protocol Pack #25. Supported as of Protocol Pack #21. Supported as of Protocol Pack #18. Supported as of Protocol Pack #13.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide1-6Chapter 1 P2P ProtocolsTable 1-1P2P Protocols (continued)Protocol Name SoribadaValidated Clients Soribada v311Soribada v6 supported as of Protocol Pack #19TCP Ports NoneSoulseek SpiderOak Hive Teredo ThunderSoulseek v152NonePC v5.0.2, Android v2.0.2, iOS v2.1.0 None--Nonev5.5 supported as of 2.5.10/3.0.5 with None Protocol Pack #07v5.9.20.1418 supported as of 3.5.5/3.6.0 with Protocol Pack #22v7.2.1.3136 supported as of 3.5.5/3.6.0 with Protocol Pack #26TomatoPangTomatoPang v3.13Tor, Orbot, and Tor NoneTVUPlayer UltrasurfTVUPlayer v2.3.7.1 PC v13.01None NoneUtagoe UGLive2 V-Share WandoujiaUG Live Version 2.0 -- PC [Web Browser], Android v3.14.2-- -- NoneIntroductionComments 2.5.7: requires Protocol Pack. 3.0.0: Temporarily not supported (the protocol is supported in the #04 Protocol Pack for 3.0.1). V6 supported as of Protocol Pack #19. -- Supported as of Protocol Pack #29. Supported as of Protocol Pack #29. With existing Thunder signature, an HTTP Flavor is supported to block Thunder file download traffic as of Protocol Pack #22. For further information on how to effectively control Thunder download traffic, see Thunder Service: Blocking Thunder Download, page 5-8 Supported as of Protocol Pack #26. Supported as of Protocol Pack #18. Supported as of Protocol Pack #13. Updated Android v 1.0.11 and PC v as of protocol pack #34. Updated Obfsproxy PC v-2.4.11-alpha-2-pt1_en-us.exe as of protocol pack #36. Updated Pc- Tor browser bundle Version, Android- Orbot 13.0.4a supported as of Protocol Pack #40. Supported PC-Tor Browser Bundle 3.6.2 as of Protocol Pack #42. Supported as of Protocol Pack #15. Supported PC v 13.01 as of Protocol Pack #35. Supported PC v13.04 and v14.03 as of Protocol Pack #42. Supported as of Protocol Pack #21. -- Supported as of Protocol Pack #44.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide1-7IntroductionTable 1-1P2P Protocols (continued)Protocol Name Warez/FileCrocWaste WebThunder WetransferValidated ClientsTCP PortsAres v1.8.1NoneWarez v2.5Ares 1.9.2 as of 2.5.10/3.0.4 with Protocol Pack #06Ares 1.9.9 as of 2.5.10/3.0.5 with Protocol Pack #07Ares 2.0.9 as of 3.0.6/3.1.0/3.1.1 with Protocol Pack #11Ares as of Protocol Pack #18--None1.10.2.173 as of 3.0.6/3.1.0/3.1.1 with -- Protocol Pack #11PC (Web Browser)--WinMX/ OpenNap WinnyYandex.diskZattoo ZonaezPeer v1.990 WinMX v3.53Winny 2b7.1 Winnyp 7.25 Winnyp 2.0 b7.28 Android v-1.22 iOS v-1.22 PC v- PC (Web Browser) beta as of Protocol Pack #09 Zattoo 4.0.5 as of 3.5.5/3.6.0 with Protocol Pack #22 PC v1.0.56257, 6699 [UDP port = 6257] 7742-7745, 7773NoneNoneNoneChapter 1 P2P ProtocolsComments Enhanced in Protocol Pack #22 to strengthen the signature, since camera traffic was misclassifying to Warez.-- -- Supported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack #39. ezPeer: currently classified as WinMX.Winnyp 2b7.28: Support verified by an external partner. Supported as of Protocol Pack #37.Supported as of Protocol Pack #09. Updated as of Protocol Pack #24. Supported PC v1.0.5 as of Protocol Pack #43.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide1-8Review Draft - Cisco ConfidentialInternet Protocols2 C H A P T E RIntroductionThis chapter lists the Internet protocols currently supported by Cisco SCA BB. The protocols are divided into the following categories: · VoIP · Instant Messaging · Gaming · WEB · Streaming · Email · File Transfer · Terminal Access · Trading · Multi-Thread · Mobile · Enterprise · Networking · Security · Other The default TCP and UDP ports of each of the protocols are listed. Traffic on these ports would be classified to the specific protocol as a default, in case this traffic was not classified based on any of the protocol signatures.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-1IntroductionChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet ProtocolsProtocol Name VoIP AlicallTCP Ports NoneCommDaum My People Dial 070 Dial91Dingo Tel Facebook LiteFacebook voipNoneNone None NoneNone NoneNoneFun Call Google VoiceNone NoneGmail Video (v2.9.10.7526)NoneGmail VoIPGoogle Talk Voice H323 HeadcallICQ VoIPNoneNone 1720 NoneNoneiFone Platinum IMO Int CallNone None NoneUDP PortsSignature Classification CommentsNoneYesNoneYesNoneYesNoneYesNoneYesNoneYesNoneYesNoneYesNoneYesNoneYesNoneYesNoneYesNoneYes--YesNoneYesNoneYesNoneYesNoneYesNoneYesVersion 5.0 supported as of PP#24.Service tree changes updated. Android v- 1.12.0 and iOS v-1.6.1 supported as of Protocol Pack #35. Supported as of Protocol Pack #31. Supported as of Protocol Pack #22. Supported Android v-2.3.0, iOS v2.3.5.15203 as of Protocol Pack #37. -- Supported Android-V1.0.0, as of Protocol Pack #47. Supported Android v2.5.3, and iOS v2.5 as of Protocol Pack #36.Supported PC (web browser), Android v6.1, iOS v6.1 as of Protocol Pack #42. Supported iOS-V1.1 as of Protocol Pack #46. Google Voice Web Interface supported as of Protocol Pack #19.Supported as of Protocol Pack #22. Supported as of Protocol Pack #24.Updates in Protocol Pack #29.Updated support to PC v3.19.1.13088 as of Protocol Pack #35. Supported as of Protocol Pack #24.Updated as of Protocol Pack #32. Updated Android v 4.1.1 as of Protocol Pack #33. -- HeadCall PC-to-PC Voice is supported as of Protocol Pack #23. ICQ Version 5.1 supported as of Protocol Pack #05.Support updated to Android v4.0.5, iOS v4.0.3, PC v8 as of Protocol Pack #35. Supported Android v1.4.02, and iOS v1.1.31 as of Protocol Pack #36. Supported Android-V9.8.000000001821, iOS-V6.9.1 Supported iOS-V4.1 as of Protocol Pack #46.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-2Chapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name JustVoIPKakao TalkTCP Ports NoneNoneUDP Ports NoneNoneLINE VoiceNoneNoneLINE VOIPNoneNoneMailru Voice Video MaskMyNumber Mumble(v 1.2.3a)MGCP MyPeople NateOn NateOnTalk Naver PhoneNet2Phone Primus Pinterest QikNone None NoneNone None None None NoneNone None None NoneNone None None2427,2727 None None None NoneNone None None NoneSIP5060-5061 5060-5061Signature Classification CommentsYesSupported v4.07(build 629) for PC-to-PC calls asof Protocol Pack #25.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #31.Supported Android v4.6.6, iOS v4.3.2 as of Protocol Pack #44.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack#30.Updated support to PC v- 3.1.7[Windows 8] , PC v3.1.9 [Windows 7] as of Protocol Pack #36.Updated support for Android v- 3.8.5, iOS v- 3.8.1 as of Protocol Pack #37.Supported PC-V3.6.0.34 as of Protocol Pack #42.Supported PC-V4.0.3.369, Android-V5.2.3,iOS-V5.2.0 as of Protocol Pack #48.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #30.Updated support to PC v3.1.7(MS Windows 8) and PC v3.1.9 (MS Windows 7) as of Protocol Pack #36.Updated support to Android v-3.8.5, iOS v-3.8.1 as of Protocol Pack #37.Supported PC v3.6.0.34 as of Protocol Pack #42.YesSupported PC v6.0 as of Protocol Pack #35.YesSupported Android-V3.4 as of ProtocolPack#46.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #29 (IPV4 and IPv6support).Yes--Yesv2.3.2 is supported as of Protocol Pack #25.YesNateOn v3.7 supported as of Protocol Pack #15.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #31.YesNaver Phone v1.2 (build 441) supported as ofProtocol Pack #15.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #23.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #06.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #29.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #35.Service changed to Internet Video in Protocol Pack #36.Yes--Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-3IntroductionChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name SIP-I Skinny SkypeTCP Ports -- 2000 33033UDP Ports -- 2000 --Skype Video--Skype VoIP Skype File TransferNone None--None NoneSignature Classification CommentsYesSupported as of Protocol Pack #16.Yes----Skype 1.3 as of 2.5.7/3.0.0.Skype 1.4 as of 2.5.8/3.0.1.Skype 2.0 as of 2.5.9/3.0.1 with Protocol Pack #04.Skype 2.5 as of 2.5.10/3.0.4 with Protocol Pack #06.Skypein/out/Cast as of 2.5.10/3.0.5 with Protocol Pack #07.Skype 3.0 as of 2.5.10/3.0.6 with Protocol Pack #08.Skype 4.0 betal with Protocol Pack #15.Skype with Protocol Pack #17.Skype with Protocol Pack #18.Skype with Protocol Pack #22.Skype with Protocol Pack #24.Skype 5.3 VOIP (PC-to-PC) with Protocol Pack#25.For further information on how to effectively control Skype traffic it is strongly recommended to see Skype Signatures and Support Matrix, page 5-2.Skype 5.8 IM with Protocol Pack #28.Skype 5.8 Skype Out traffic classification rate limiting with Protocol Pack #28.Skype on Windows 8 Microsoft store version (Voice and Video).Updated Skype Android v3.1.0.06458, iOS v4.5.222 and PC v6.2.0.106 as of Protocol Pack #34.Updated Skype Android v4.4.0.34403, iOS v4.13 and PC v6.10.60.104 as of Protocol Pack #38.Supported PC[Web Browser] as of Protocol Pack #47.--Skype 5.3 with Protocol Pack #25.Skype 5.8(pc-pc) with Protocol Pack #28.YesSkype 5.8 with Protocol Pack #28.YesSkype 5.8(pc-pc) with Protocol Pack #28.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-4Chapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name Skype over Facebook TalkrayTCP Ports None NoneTango Message Count NoneTango Video CallsNoneUDP Ports None NoneNoneNoneTeamSpeakTelepresence Truphone TuMe UUCALLVentrilo ViberNoneNone-- None None 123, 1554,1800 None None-- None None NoneNone NoneViber Encrypted VivoxNone NoneNone NoneSignature Classification CommentsYesSkype 5.8(pc-pc) with Protocol Pack #30.YesSupported Android v1.13 and iOS v1.13 as ofProtocol Pack #34.YesSupported Android v3.13.126350, iOSv3.13.125399 as of Protocol Pack #45.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #25.Updated support to Android v2.8.43942, iOS v2.8.42941, and PC as of Protocol Pack #35.YesVersion 2.0 supported as of Protocol Pack #14.Version 3.0 supported as of Protocol Pack #24.YesCTS-3000 supported as of Protocol Pack #16.YesVersion 3.0 supported as of Protocol Pack #18.YesVersion 1.2.1 Supported as of Protocol Pack #32.YesUUCall-Login supported as of Protocol Pack #30.YesVersion 3.0.1 supported as of Protocol Pack #14.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack # 24V2.1.5.270(iPhone), support updated as of Protocol Pack #30Updated support to Android v-, iOS v- 3.0 and PC v- 3.1.0 as of Protocol Pack #36Updated support to Android v-, iOS v3.1.3 and PC v- as of Protocol Pack #37Updated Support to Android v- 4.1.1, iOS v 4.1 and PC v- of ProtocolPack #39Updated support to Android-V4.2.1As of Protocol Packe#40SupportedPC-V3.0.0.134193,Android-V4.2.1,iOS-V4.1 asofProtocolPack#42SupportedViber Message counting PC-V3.0.0.134678,Android-V4.3.3,iOS-V4.2.1asofProtocolPack#43Supported Android-V5.5.2.28, iOS-V5.5.1 as of protocol pack #49Supported Android-6.1.5,iOs-6.1.5, windows-6.1.0 ,PC-V6.0 as of Protocol Pack #54YesSupported Android v5.0.2 as of Protocol Pack #47.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #12.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-5IntroductionChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name Vonage vopium WebExTCP Ports 5061 None NoneUDP Ports 5061 None NoneWeChatNoneWeChat Message Count NoneYahoo Messenger VoIP NoneNone NoneJajah Yahoo PhoneOut NoneNoneiTelMagic Jack v2.0.6 gPlex Facetime NimbuzzNoneNone None -- 5222NymGoNoneTrace Bust Instant Messaging Bitmessage Bleep over BitTorrentNoneNone NoneBurnNoteNoneNone None None -- NoneNone NoneNone None NoneSignature Classification CommentsYes--YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #31.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #21.WebEx protocol mapped under VideoConference and Webex Service renamed to VideoConference as of Protocol Pack #37.YesSupported WeChat v 4.3 as of Protocol Pack #33.YesSupported Android v4.5.2, iOS v6.0 as of ProtocolPack #44.YesUpdated as of Protocol Pack #24.Supported Yahoo Messenger version: updated for versions 11.5 as of ProtocolPack #32.YesJajah of Yahoo Messenger v10.0.0.1269-US issupported as of Protocol Pack #22.Updated as of Protocol Pack #24. Supported Yahoo Messenger version: updated as part of Protocol Pack #26.Support updated as part of Protocol Pack #27.YesSupport updated as part of Protocol Pack #26.YesSupport updated as part of Protocol Pack #26.--Supported as of Protocol Pack #27.YesSupport Android v 2.09 as of Protocol Pack #27.Updated support to Android v2.4.1, iOS v3.1.0, and PC v2.5.2 as of Protocol Pack #36.YesSupported Android v4.1.19,iOS v5.4.12 and PCv5.2.30 as of Protocol Pack #36.YesSupported Android-V1.0 asofProtocolPack#46.YesSupported PC v0.4.2 as of Protocol Pack #40.YesSupported Android- V0.23.558 as of Protocol Pack#48.YesSupported Android- V1.60 and iOS-V1.60 as ofProtocol Pack #50.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-6Chapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name ChatONTCP Ports NoneUDP Ports NoneeBuddy FacebookNone NoneNone NoneFacebook HTTPNoneFacebook Messenger NoneFacebook Poke Facebook SlingshotNone NoneFringNoneGaduGaduNoneGoogle TalkNoneNone None None None NoneNoneNoneSignature Classification CommentsYesSupported PC (Web Browser), iOS v 1.9.1, Androidv 1.11.1 as of Protocol Pack #33.Updated support to Android v2.3.11 and iOS v2.1.2 as of Protocol Pack #35.Updated support to iOS v2.7.3, Android v3.0.533 as of Protocol Pack #38.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #30.--Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.0 and later with Protocol Pack #18.Facebook Mobile chat supported as of Protocol Pack #31.Updated Zone support to Android, iOS and PC as of Protocol Pack #37.YesSupported Android (Browser) and PC (WebBrowser) as of Protocol Pack #34.YesSupported Android-V29. and iOS-V29.1as of Protocol Pack #48.YesSupported iOS v 1.0 as of Protocol Pack #34.YesSupported Android v1.1, iOS v1.1 as of ProtocolPack #43.YesBeta version supported as of Protocol Pack#10.Updated support for Android v4.5.1.1-12 and iOS v7. as Protocol Pack #39.YesVersion 10 supported as of Protocol Pack #24.Version supported as of Protocol Pack #30.YesBeta version supported as of Protocol Pack #08.Support updated as of Protocol Pack #18.Support updated as of Protocol Pack #22.Support updated as of Protocol Pack #31.Supported PC Web Browser as of Protocol Pack #43.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-7IntroductionChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol NameGoogle+ Hangout VideoTCP Ports NoneUDP Ports NoneGroupMeNoneNoneHikeNoneNoneHike Message Counting NoneICQNoneNone NoneIRC Jabber194 5223194 NoneJott MessengerNoneJoynNoneKakao Talk Message CountKik MessengerNone NoneLINE (Browsing)NoneNone None None None NoneSignature Classification CommentsYesSupport updated as of Protocol Pack #31.Updated support to PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack #38.Updated support to Android v-1.2, iPhone v- as of Protocol Pack #38.Supported Android-V8.0, iOS-V9.1.0 as of Protocol pack #53.YesSupported Android v 3.9.9, iOS v 4.0 as of ProtocolPack #33.Updated support to Android v4.1.1, iOS v4.1.5 as of Protocol Pack #35.YesSupported Android v2.6.0 and iOS v2.2.2, PC (WebBrowser) as of Protocol Pack #38.Supported Hike Messenger for Android v3.1.0, iOS v2.5.2 as of Protocol Pack #43.YesSupported Android v3.6.0, iOS v3.1.0 as ofProtocol Pack #45.YesICQ Version 5.1 supported as of Protocol Pack #05.ICQ IM Mobile Android v4.0.0135, iPhone v4.0 and PC v 7M support updated as of Protocol Pack #32.Yes--YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #05.Supported as of Protocol Pack #29 (IPv6 support).Support updated as of Protocol Pack #31(SSL support for both IPV4 and IPV6).YesSupported Android- V1.0.25 and iOS1.7.8 as ofProtocol Pack #50.YesSupported Android v9.85-b8731, iOS v2.4.9 as ofProtocol Pack #43.YesSupported Android v4.6.6, iOS v4.3.2 as ofProtocol Pack #44.YesSupported Android- V as of Protocolpack #51.NoSupported PC v3.6.0.34 as of Protocol Pack #42.Supported PC Android v4.6.1, iOS v4.5.1, Windows v3.7.2.468 as of Protocol Pack #43.Supported PC-V4.0.3.369, Android-V5.2.3, iOS-V5.2.0 as of Protocol Pack #48.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-8Chapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name LINE File TransferTCP Ports NoneUDP Ports NoneLINE MESSENGER LINE Message CountNone Chat and Voice None VideoMessageMeNoneMSN Messenger v 15.4 1863None None None NoneNone 1863My Jabber mychat ooVooQQNone None NoneNone None NoneNoneNoneQuoraNoneNoneSignature Classification CommentsYesSupported PC v3.6.0.34 as of Protocol Pack #42.Supported PC-V4.0.3.369, Android-V5.2.3, iOS-V5.2.0 as of Protocol Pack #48.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #30.YesSupported Android v4.7.1, iOS v4.7.2 as ofProtocol Pack #44.YesSupported Android- V2.5.1 and iOS-V2.3 as ofProtocol Pack #50.YesSupported PC v6.1 as of Protocol Pack #35.Updated support to PC v6.1 as of Protocol Pack #37.YesSupported Android v1.5.2, iOS v1.6 as of ProtocolPack #38.YesWindows Live Messenger (MSN) v8.1 as of2.5.10/3.0.6/3.1.0 with Protocol Pack #09.MSN VoIP support updated for MSN Messenger v14.0 as of Protocol Pack #22.For further information on how to effectively control MSN VoIP traffic, see MSN VoIP Traffic Blocking, page 5-7.Supported as of Protocol Pack #26.YesmyJabber v1.0 supported as of 3.0.6/3.1.0/3.1.1with Protocol Pack #11.YesSupported Android v1.4, iOS v2.1.0, WindowsPhone v. as of Protocol Pack #43.YesAs of PP #22, the version of ooVoo supported is2.6.0.20.ooVoo v3.0.1.46 support Updated as of Protocol Pack #27.YesQQ-2006 Beta 3, QQ-2005 (English version).Supported as of Protocol Pack #07.Updated support to PC v1.6 as of Protocol Pack #35.Updated support to Android v4.2.1.1575 as of Protocol Pack #37.YesSupported PC browser, Android :2.3.6,Iphone:4.5.0,Windows: as of Protocol Pack #54Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-9IntroductionChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name SnapchatTCP Ports NoneUDP Ports NoneSlack Smule Talkray Tapatalk Textsecure Threema Tinychat TwitterNone None None None None None NA NoneNone None None None None None NA NoneUC UntappdWickrNone NoneNoneNone NoneNoneWikipediaNoneNoneYahoo General Login Yahoo Messenger YikyakNone 5000-5001 NoneNone 5000-5001 NoneSignature Classification CommentsYesSupported iOS v4.0.3 as of Protocol Pack #34.Supported Android v5.0.5, iOS v7.0.1 as of Protocol Pack #42.Supported Android-V9.8.0.0 and iOS-V9.8.0.1asof Protocol Pack #48.YesSupported Android-V2.02,iOS-V2.05 as ofProtocol Pack #49.YesSupported Android v3.5.4, iOS v4.5.3 as ofProtocol Pack #52.YesSupported Android v 1.8 and iOS v 1.3 as ofProtocol Pack #34.YesSupported Android v5.6.1, iOS v5.5.1, Windowsv1.2.1 as of Protocol Pack #52.YesSupported Android- V2.28.1 and iOS-V2.1.3 as ofProtocol Pack #50.YesSupported Android-2.8,iOS-V2.7.2, windows-V1.5as of Protocol pack#54YesSupported Android-V5.8.2,iOS-V5.8, PC (WebBrowser) as of Protocol Pack #51.YesSupported Android v3.4.0, iOS v 5.3.1, and PC(Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack #34.Supported Android Version varies with devices, iOS v6.1.0, and PC Web Browser as of Protocol Pack #43.Supported Android Version v5.52.0, iOS v6.25.1, and PC Web Browser as of Protocol Pack #47.Support Android-5.91.0,iOS-V6.44, PC-Web Browser as of Protocol Pack #51.Yes--YesSupported Android-V2.7.6, iOS-V2.5.9. WindowsV2.0.4 as of ProtocolPack#54YesSupportedAndroid-V2.6.4.1,iOS-2.6.4V,Windows-V2.6.0.4as of Protocol Pack #54YesSupported Android-V2.3.152-R-2016-08,iOS-5.2.1, PC [Web Browser] as of Protocol Pack#55.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #17.YesV8.1.0 supported as of Protocol Pack #10.YesSupported Android V2.6.1and iOS-V2.6.1 as ofProtocol Pack #48.2-10Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name WhatsApp v2.6.5320TCP Ports NoneWhatsApp Message CountNoneWhatsApp Voice Upptalk Yahoo Livetext iMessageNone None None NoneHyves Gaming AnarchyAsherons Call Black And White Call of DutyNone7013, 7500-7501 9000 - 9013 2611 - 2612 --Call of Duty-Black Ops NoneUDP Ports NoneNone None None None NoneNoneSignature Classification CommentsYesSupported as of Protocol Pack #26.Support updated for versions beyond v2.6.5320 as of Protocol Pack #27.Support updated for versions beyond v2.6.x,v2.7.x as of Protocol Pack #28.Support updated for versions beyond v2.8.x as of Protocol Pack #30.Support updated for Android v2.11.109, iOS v2.11.4 as of Protocol Pack #38.Support updated for Android v-2.12.367, iOS v-2.12.13 as of Protocol Pack #51.YesSupported Android v2.11.198, iOS v2.11.14 as ofProtocol Pack #45.Supported iOS-V2.12.15, Android as of Protocol Pack #52.YesSupported Android v2.12.5, iOS v2.12.2 as ofProtocol Pack #47.YesSupported Android (2.1.1), iPhone(2.8.1),Windows( as of Protocol Pack #50.YesSupported Android- V1.0.1523 and iOS-V1.0.2 asor Protocol Pack #49.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #27.Support updated as of Protocol Pack #32.Support updated as of Protocol Pack #33.Support updated to iOS v6.1.3 as of Protocol Pack #36.Supported attachments as of Protocol Pack #45.Support updated message counting feature as of Protocol Pack #45.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #28.7013,--7500-75019000 - 9013 ------28960-28965 YesNoneYes---- -- Supported as of Protocol Pack #18. New Signature of Call of Duty 2 for Xbox added as of Protocol Pack #22. Support updated as part of Protocol Pack #27.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-11IntroductionChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name Candy Crush SagaMT4 Counter strikeChampions Online Dark Reign Delta ForceDiablo DirectPlay DirectPlay8 Doom Dota2Elite ForceF16 F22 Simulator (lightning 3) Final FantasyGame-Search Game Center GameSpyGuild Wars 2 Half-Life HALO5Heretic2 Hexen Kali Kingpin Knight Online Kohan Immortal Sovereigns League of LegendsTCP PortsUDP PortsSignature Classification CommentsNoneNoneYesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack #41.NoneNoneYesSupported MT4 as of Protocol Pack #52.27020-27039 1200,--27000-27014Support updated and based on Quake3 Gaming Server as of Protocol Pack #18.NoneNoneYesSupport updated as part of Protocol Pack #27.2621426214----3100, 3999 3100, 3999, ----3568, 35696112-6119 6112-6119 ----22342234----60736073----666666----NoneNone--Supports Game and patch updated on 20th February 2014 as of Protocol Pack #40.--26000, 27500 --Support updated and based on Quake3 Gaming Server as of Protocol Pack #18.--3862, 3863 ------3874-3875, ----4533, 4534NoneNoneYesSupported PC v-xiv (patch 2.1) as of Protocol Pack #39.29001------NoneNoneYesSupported as of Protocol Pack #32.6500, 28900, 6515, 27900 ----29000NoneNoneYesSupported as of Protocol Pack #32.--27015----NoneNoneYesSupported Halo for Xboxone Halo5 as of Protocol Pack #51.28910--------26900----22132213----3151031510----NoneNoneYesSupported PC v2004 as of Protocol Pack #39.3855,17437 3855,17437 --------YesSupport PC as of Protocol Pack #39.2-12Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol NameTCP PortsUDP PortsSignature Classification CommentsMaple StoryNoneNoneYesSupported as of Protocol Pack #18.Updated as of Protocol Pack #23.Minecraft-GamingNoneNoneYesClassic and Beta v1.6.6 supported as of Protocol Pack #25.Motorhead16000,16000,----16010 1603016010 16030Myth34533453----Need For Speed94429442----Need For Speed 310301030----OnliveNoneNoneYesSupported PC v1.1.0.54514 as of Protocol Pack #37.Operation Flash Point 47624, 6073 6073----Origin5222NoneYesSupported as of Protocol Pack #31.Outlaws53105310----Parsec-Game65826582----PS210070-10080 10070----Play Station 4NoneNoneYesSupported Play Station 4 as of Protocol Pack #41.Quake3 Gaming Server NoneNoneYesSupported as of Protocol Pack #18.Quake-Server2796027910,27960 ----Rainbox six23462346----RuneScape43594------SD Gundam Capsule NoneNoneYesFighter OnlineSupported as of Protocol Pack #28.Second LifeNoneNoneYesSupported as of Protocol Pack #12.SilkRoad (Game)----YesSupported PC v1.403 as of Protocol Pack #39.Soldier of fortune--28910 ---28915Support updated and based on Quake3 Gaming Server as of Protocol Pack #18.Spiral KnightNoneNoneYesSupported as of Protocol Pack #26.Starcraft2-GamingNoneNoneYesWings of Liberty supported as of Protocol Pack #25.Supported PC (Standalone) as of Protocol Pack #41.Starsiege--29001-29009 ----Starwars Jedi Knight --28070-28081 -- 28060-28062Support updated and based on Quake3 Gaming Server as of Protocol Pack #18.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-13IntroductionChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name SteamStreet Fighter Supercell - Clash of ClansSwat3 Team Fortress 2 Titan-Fall Tribes Ubisoft Uplay UltimaWarcraft Warcraft 3 Westwood online Wolfenstein Enemy Territory Wow-GamingXBOX Live Xbox OneYahoo Games Znes WEB 31SMS v3.0TCP Ports NoneUDP Ports NoneNone NoneNone None16639 None None 28001 None16638 None None 28001 None5002-5010, 7775-7777, 8888, 9999, 8800-8900 7875 3724 None 1140, 1234 ----3724 None 1140, 1234 27960NoneNone3074 NA11999 --3074 NA-- 7845Signature Classification CommentsYesSupported as of Protocol Pack #19.Steam support updated as of Protocol Pack #27.YesStreetFighter IV supported for Playstation as ofProtocol Pack #20.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #41 Android-V6.56.1, iOS V6.56.1.Supported Android V2.3.12.22 and iOS-4.2.4 as of Protocol Pack #53.----YesSupport updated as part of Protocol Pack #27.YesSupported PC v1.0.2.15 as of Protocol Pack #41.--YesSupported PC (standalone and Web Browser) as ofProtocol Pack #39.--------YesSupport updated as part of Protocol Pack #27.------Support updated and based on Quake3 GamingServer as of Protocol Pack #18.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #23.Updated as of Protocol Pack #24.v4.2 updated as of Protocol Pack #25.Updated support to PC v5.1.0 as of Protocol Pack #34.----YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #39.Supported as of Protocol Pack #49.--------NoneNoneNoClassification is supported as of Protocol Pack #26.2-14Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name Ameba.jpTCP Ports NoneUDP Ports NoneAsianTown----Audio over HTTP----BeboNoneNoneBinary over HTTP----BlackPlanet----Bubbly CafeMomClassmates------------Download over HTTP None Download over NNTP --None --Signature Classification CommentsYesClassification is supported as of Protocol Pack #41.Supports PC (Web Browser), Android v3.9.1, and iOS v5.7.0.--Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.5 and later with Protocol Pack #21.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #08.See General Information for additional information.YesClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.5 and later with Protocol Pack #21.Updated iOS v 1.2.2 as of Protocol Pack #33.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #08.See General Information for additional information.Supported as of Protocol Pack #27(IPv6 support).--Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.5 and later with Protocol Pack #21.Supported PC (Web Browser), Android-V1.0.10, iOS-V2.2.1 as of Protocol Pack #46.YesSupport Android-V4.3.4, iOS-V4.2,PC (WebBrowser) as of Protocol Pack #51.--Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.5 and later with Protocol Pack #21.--Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.5 and later with Protocol Pack #21.Supported as of Protocol Pack #27(IPv6 support).NoneSupported as of Protocol Pack #28(IPv6 support).--Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.5 and later with Protocol Pack #21.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-15IntroductionChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name FacebookTCP Ports NoUDP Ports NoFacebook Over HTTPS NoneFacebook_SPDY FlixterNone --Flickr80NoneNone --NoneFourSquareNoNoFriendsterFrilp FubarGoogle Generic Google Plus Google Search Google_SPDY Hi5--No ---- None None None ----No ---- None None None --Signature Classification CommentsYesClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.5 and later with Protocol Pack #21.Supported as of Protocol Pack #27(IPv6 support).YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #33.Zone supported on Android, iOS, and PC as of Protocol Pack #38.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #44.--Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.5 and later with Protocol Pack #21.NoneClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #29.Updated support to Android v 1.5.1 and iOS v 2.10.803 as of Protocol Pack#34.YesSupported Android v 3.0, iOS v 4.0 as of ProtocolPack #33.Updated support to Android v2013.05.23, iOS v6.2 as of Protocol Pack #35.--Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.5 and later with Protocol Pack #21.YesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#51.--Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.5 and later with Protocol Pack #21.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #53.Supported as of Protocol Pack #54.YesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#43.YesSupported for PC (Web Browser), Mobile (WebBrowser) and Standalone as of Protocol Pack #42.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #44.--Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.5 and later with Protocol Pack #21.2-16Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name HTTP BrowsingTCP Ports 80, 8080UDP Ports --HTTP POST HTTPSImgur Keek LinkedInNone 443-- -- --None ---- -- --Line Camera----LiveJournal----MeetupNANAMicrosoft Silverlight ----MindsetNANASignature Classification CommentsYesClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.5 and later with Protocol Pack #21.Updated support as of 3.5.5 and later with Protocol Pack #22.Supported as of Protocol Pack #27(IPv6 support).YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #35.YesClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.5 and later with Protocol Pack #21.YesSupported Android v1.3.0, iOS v1.2.3, and PC(Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack #39.YesSupported Android v3.0.1, and iOS v4.0.1 as ofProtocol Pack #39.--Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.5 and later with Protocol Pack #21.Updated support for Android v3.4.0, iOS v5.3.1, and PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack #35 and #36.YesSupported Android v- 4.1and iOS as of ProtocolPack #39.Supported PC-V4.0.3.369, Android -V5.2.3, iOS-V5.2.0 as of Protocol Pack #48.--Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.5 and later with Protocol Pack #21.YesSupported Android-V2.9.0,iOS-V5.0.6, PC (WebBrowser) as of protocol pack #51.--Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.5 and later with Protocol Pack #21.YesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#51.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-17IntroductionChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name MySpaceTCP Ports --UDP Ports --MyYearbook Ning NNTP----119------Orkut Oupeng QUICSinaWeibo Songza SPDYTagged--None None--None NoneNone None --None None ------Signature Classification Comments--Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.5 and later with Protocol Pack #21.Updated support as of 3.7.0 and later with Protocol Pack #31.Service Tree changed from Browsing to Internet Video. Updated support as Protocol Pack #32.--Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.5 and later with Protocol Pack #21.YesClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.5 and later with Protocol Pack #21.--Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.5 and later with Protocol Pack #21.Supported as of Protocol Pack #27(IPv6 support).--Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.5 and later with Protocol Pack #21.YesSupported Android-V10.5.0 as of Protocol Pack#49.YesSupported PC (Google Chrome browser) as ofProtocol Pack #48.Supported PC[Google Chrome browser] as of protocol pack #53.YesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#40.YesSupported PC (Web Browser),Android-V5.1.0.6,iOS-V3.3.2 as of Protocol Pack#46.YesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#39.Supported PC (Web Browser), Android, iOS as of Protocol Pack #45.--Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.5 and later with Protocol Pack #21.2-18Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name TencentWeiboTCP Ports NoneUDP Ports NoneTinder True Caller TuentiNone None NoneNone None NoneTwitter_SPDY UberVideo over HTTPNone None--Vk WazeGPSNone NoneNone None --None NoneXanga Yahoo Profiles Yelp Yuku Streaming-- -- None ---- -- None --Signature Classification CommentsYesSupported PC (Web Browser), Android v4.3.0, iOSv4.3.0 as of Protocol Pack #40.Supported PC (Web Browser), Android v4.4.4, iOS v4.4.4 as of Protocol Pack #43.YesSupported Android-V4.1.6 and iOS-V4.1.6 as ofProtocol Pack #48.YesSupported Android-V7.07,iOS-V6.70,Windows-V5.32 PC [Web Browser] asof Protocol Pack #53.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #32.Updated support to Android v2.5.1 as of Protocol Pack #35.Updated support to Android v3.1.1 as of Protocol Pack #36.YesSupported as Protocol Pack #44.YesSupported iPhone-2.98.8, Android-3.73.2,Windows- as of Protocol Pack #50.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #08.See General Information for additional information.YesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#35.YesSupported Android v, iOS v as ofProtocol Pack #33.Updated support to Android v3.6.0.0, iOS v3.6.0.0 as of Protocol Pack #35.Updated support to Android v4.9.0.2, iOS v4.13.0, PC [Web Browser] as of Protocol Pack #55.--Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.5 and later with Protocol Pack #21.--Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.5 and later with Protocol Pack #21.YesSupported Android v2.5, iPhone v3.3, PC (WebBrowser) as of Protocol Pack #50.--Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.5 and later with Protocol Pack #21.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-19IntroductionChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name ABC iViewAccuRadioApple AppleMapsTCP Ports NoneNoneNone NoneUDP Ports NoneNoneNone NoneAppleTV Apple iCloud-- None-- NoneAppstoreAmazon AppstoreDownloadNone NoneAmazon Cloud Amazon Cloud Drive Desktop App Amazon Instant VideoNone NoneNoneARD MediathekArte MediathekBabelGum Baidu AppstoreNoneNoneNone NoneNone NoneNone None NoneNone None None NoneSignature Classification CommentsYesVersion on top of RTMP is supported as of ProtocolPack #15.YesSupported PC (Web Browser), Android-V1.53,iOS-V2.15 as of Protocol Pack #46.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #31.YesClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #32.Updated support for AppleMaps for iOS7 as of Protocol Pack #40.--Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.0 and later with Protocol Pack #18.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #29.Service Tree changed from Commercial Media Distribution to Other File Sharing. Updated support as Protocol Pack #32.NoSupported as of Protocol Pack #34.YesSupported Android-V12.0000.803.0C_642000010as of protocol pack #44.Supported Android-V20.0000.912.1C_650000010 as of Protocol Pack #53.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #29.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #31.YesSupported PC Web Browser, iOS v2.70.8270.17 asof Protocol Pack #43.Supported Android v1.0 as of Protocol Pack #45.YesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#38.YesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#41.YesBeta version supported as of Protocol Pack #14.YesSupported PC (Web Browser), Android v6.1.0 as ofProtocol Pack #44.2-20Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name BBC iPlayerTCP Ports 1935/80UDP Ports NoneBR Mediathek BT Sport Cablevision Veo TV CardSharingNone None None NoneNone None None NoneCBox CinepolisKlic Clarovideo CNNCrackleNone None None None NoneNoneNone None None None NoneNoneCU-SeeMeNoneNoneSignature Classification CommentsYesBeta version on top of Kontiki is supported as ofProtocol Pack #11.Beta version on top of RTMP is supported as of Protocol Pack #14.Version 3.2.13 supported as of Protocol Pack #27.Version 3.2.15 supported as of Protocol Pack #30. For details, see the "BBC iPlayer" section on page 5-15.Updated support to PC v3.2.15 as of Protocol Pack #36.Updated support to PC v3.2.15, PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack #37.YesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#38.NoSupported Android v1.1.10, iOS v1.1.5 and PC(Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack #38.NoSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#39.YesGBox, CardSharing, CCCam, and Newcamd aresupported as of Protocol Pack #22.GBox and CCCam signatures are updated as of Protocol Pack #24.YesSupported Android v5.2.0 as of Protocol Pack #44.YesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#37.NoSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#38.YesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#37.--Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.0 and later with Protocol Pack #18.YesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#38.Updated Service Tree Mapping from RTM to Audio and Video over HTTP.YesVersion supported as of Protocol Pack #05.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-21IntroductionChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name DailymotionTCP Ports NoneUDP Ports NoneDeezerDubsmash ESPNNoneNone --NoneNone --ESPN StreamingEyeBeam FlashNoneNone NoneNoneNone NoneFlash MySpaceNoneNoneSignature Classification CommentsYesSupported as of Protocol Pack #31.Updated as of Protocol Pack #32.Updated support to Android v3.1, iOS v3.2.3 and PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack #37.Updated support to Android v9422, iOS v5.6.5, PC [Web Browser] as of Protocol Pack #55.NoSupported as of Protocol Pack #41.Supports Android v4.2.3.1, iOS v4.8.1, and PC (Web Browser).NoSupported Android-V1.6.3 and iOS-V1.2.8 as ofProtocol Pack#49.--Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.0 and later with Protocol Pack #18.See General Information for additional information.YesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#45.YesSupported PC v1.5 as of Protocol Pack #38.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #07.Updated Flash Over HTTP for initiate as of Protocol Pack #23.See General Information for additional information.Supported PC (Web Browser), Android v5.7.38, iOS v2.7.1 for YouTube Audio under FlashYouTube as of Protocol Pack #42.--Updated Flash MySpace flavor as of Protocol Pack#31.2-22Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol NameTCP PortsFlash YouTube Normal NoneUDP Ports NoneFlash YouTube HDNoneNoneFlash YouTube HQNoneNoneFox NewsFoxTube Funshion GloboNoneNone None NoneNoneNone None NoneSignature Classification CommentsYesSupported as of Protocol Pack #17.Updated as of Protocol Pack #24.Supported as of Protocol Pack #27(IPv6 support)Updated as of Protocol Pack #32Updated support for Youtube Mobile as of Protocol Pack #35Updated PC[Web Browser], Android-V5.3.32,iOS-V2.2.0.10 Supported as of PotocolPack#40Supported PC[Web Browser], Android-V11.19.56,iOS-V11.21, winows-V3.2.0.0 as of Protocol Pack #54YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #17.Support enhanced and include YouTube Shows as of Protocol Pack #18.Supported as of Protocol Pack #27(IPv6 support).Updated support for PC (Web Browser), Android v5.3.32 and iOS v2.2.0.10 as of Protocol Pack #40.Supported PC[Web Browser], Android-V11.19.56,iOS-V11.21, winows-V3.2.0.0 as of Protocol Pack #54.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #18.Updated support for PC (Web Browser), Android v5.3.32 and iOS v2.2.0.10 as of Protocol Pack #40.Supported PC[Web Browser], Android-V11.19.56,iOS-V11.21, winows-V3.2.0.0 as of Protocol Pack #54.--Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.0 and later with Protocol Pack #18.YesSupported iOS v2.4.0 and v3.3.0, iPad v2.3.9,v3.2.2 as of Protocol Pack #42.YesVersion supported as of Protocol Pack #24.NoSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#37.Supported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack #55.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-23IntroductionChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name GoogleEarthTCP Ports NoneUDP Ports NoneGoogleMapsNoneNoneGoogle Play Movies NoneGooglePlayMusicNoneGrooveShark GyaoNone NoneNone NoneNone NoneHBO StreamingHyppTV iHear RadioiOS Update iQIYI- TV Box App1icationiTube iTunes iTunes RadioITV PlayerNone None None None NoneNone None NoneNoneNone None None None NoneNone None NoneNoneSignature Classification CommentsYesVersion 3.0.0762 supported as of Protocol Pack#05.v7.0.1.8244 for PC, v7.0.0000.7455 for iPhoneupdated as of Protocol Pack#32.Updated support for SSL flows and PC v7.1.3 as of Protocol Pack #40.YesVersion iOS 5.1.1 Supported as of Protocol Pack#32Updated iOS v 5.1.1 as of Protocol Pack #33.Updated iOS v2.2.0 and PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack #37.NoSupported Android v3.0.29 as of Protocol Pack#41.YesSupported Android- V7.0.4007-1.J34890099,iOS-V7.0.4007-1.J,PC [Web Browser] as ofProtocol Pack #55.YesSupported PC (Web Browser), Android-V1.0 as ofProtocol Pack #46.NoClassification is obtained by setting appropriateRTSP & HTTP flavors manually as explained inProtocol Pack documentation.Supported as of 3.0.6/3.1.0/3.1.1 with Protocol Pack #11.YesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#45.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #16.YesSupported PC (Web Browser) Android v5.0.7, iOSv7.1.0NoSupported iOS v7.1 as of Protocol Pack #41.YesSupported Android v3.4.24.14106 as of ProtocolPack #42.Supported Android v5.5, iOS v5.4 as of Protocol Pack #43.YesSupported iOS v1.1 as of Protocol Pack #42.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #16.YesSupported iOS v7 as of Protocol Pack #41.Supported iOS v8 as of Protocol Pack #45.YesSupported PC Web Browser, Android Versionvaries with devices, iOS v3.5.1 as of Protocol Pack#43.2-24Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name IviKSVOD4TVKonTiki Download Last FMLeTV LivestreamLove FilmTCP Ports NoneNone-- NoneNone NoneNoneUDP Ports NoneNone-- NoneNone NoneNoneMacAppStoreMaxdome.deMeerkatapp MetaCafeNoneNoneNone --NoneNoneNone --Microsoft MMS MLBMore TV Movie City MSNMyVideo-- --None None --None-- --None None --NoneSignature Classification CommentsNoSupported Android v3.19, iOS v2.11 and PC (WebBrowser) as of Protocol Pack #36.NoSupported Android v2.9.28-2.2 as of Protocol Pack#45.YesStarting with Protocol Pack #04.NoSupported Android v2.9.28-2.2 as of Protocol Pack#52.YesSupported Android v2.0 as of Protocol Pack #43.YesSupported Android-V3.1.13 and iOS-V3.8.11 andPC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#49.YesClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #29.Updated support for PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack #37.YesSupported Mac Devices as a part of Protocol Pack#42.NoSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#37.YesSupported iOS v1.2.1 as of Protocol Pack #47.Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.0 and later with Protocol Pack #18.Updated support to PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack #34.Yes----Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.0 and later with Protocol Pack #18.YesSupported Android v2.5.1 as of Protocol Pack #47.NoSupported iOS v1.6.1 and PC (Web Browser) as ofProtocol Pack #38.--Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.0 and later with Protocol Pack #18.YesCapture based classification is supported as ofProtocol Pack #34.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-25IntroductionChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name MyVideo.deTCP Ports NoneUDP Ports NoneNBA--NDR Mediathek NetFlixNone ----None --NexTV NicoVideo NBC OlympicsNimbuzzNowTVNubeoxOdnoklassnikiNone 80 NoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone None NoneNoneNoneNoneNoneSignature Classification CommentsYesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#40.Updated PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack #41.--Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.0 and later with Protocol Pack #18.YesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#40.--Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.0 and later with Protocol Pack #18.HTTP Flavor and Signature-based support is provided as of Protocol Pack #23.HTTP Flavor updated as of Protocol Pack #24.HTTP Flavor and Signature based support is provided as of Protocol Pack #25.Updated support to NetFlix as of Protocol Pack #35.Updated support to Android v2.3.2, iOS v4.1, PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack #36.Updated support for PC (Web Browser), Android v3.3.2, iOS v5.3.1 as of Protocol Pack #42.Supported Android v4.3.0, iOS v8.0.2, PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack #52.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #25.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #27.YesSupported PC (Web Browser), Android v1.0.5(8),iOS v1.0.13 (1.0.13) as of Protocol Pack #42.YesSupported Android v2.3.0, iOS v3.1.0and PCv2.3.1 as of Protocol Pack #36.YesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#37.NoSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#37.NoSupported Android v3.3.3, iOS v3.8.2 and PC (WebBrowser) as of Protocol Pack #36.2-26Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name PandoraOneTCP Ports NoneUDP Ports NonePeriscope Popcornflix Prosieben QQ-Live Qvod v5.0.81QQVideo Radio Paradise RayV RdioRhaspsody RTL Now RTMPNone None None None NoneNone None None NoneNone None NoneNone None None None NoneNone None None NoneNone None NoneSignature Classification CommentsYesSupported on releases 3.6.0 and 3.6.1 as of ProtocolPack #23.Updated support to iPhone v5.2.1, Android v5.2, PC (Web Browser), PC (Standalone) v2.0.8 as of Protocol Pack #41.YesSupported android-V1.0.1 and iOS-V1.1.1 as ofProtocol Pack #48.NoSupported iPhone-10.5.0,Android-7.10.1and PC(Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack #50.YesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#42.YesVersions: 2.1, 2.3 (English version).Supported as of Protocol Pack #07.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #27.Updated support to PC v5.8.130 as of Protocol Pack #35.NoSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#33.YesSupported PC (Web Browser), Android-V3.1.6,iOS-V2.5.1 as of Protocol Pack#46.Yes--YesSupported PC (Web Browser), Android v3.0.1.65,iOS v3.0.1.65.Supported as of Protocol Pack #45.YesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#46.YesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#38.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #14.RTMPS and RTMPE supported as of Protocol Pack #20.RTMPE signature updated as of Protocol Pack#23.RTMP and RTMPS classification strengthened (as a work around to Video over HTTPS) as part of Protocol Pack #27.RTMPE (Encrypted Joost & iTV traffic) as Protocol Pack#28.Supported as of Protocol Pack #29 (IPv6 support).RTMPT Supported as of Protocol Pack #30 (IPv6 support).Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-27IntroductionChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name RTPTCP Ports NoneUDP Ports NoneRTSP Streaming RuTube554, 1554, -- 7070----Saavn SAT1 MediathekSatellite Direct SCTP sevenload.comShoutcastNone NoneNone None NoneNoneNone NoneNone None NoneNoneShowmax SinaTVNone NoneNone NoneSina Video Sky GoNone NoneNone NoneSkyStoreUK SlingBox Slacker RadioSocialCamNone None NoneNoneNone None NoneNoneSignature Classification CommentsYesSupported as of Protocol Pack #21.Supported as of Protocol Pack #29 (IPv6 support).Yes----Classification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.0 and later with Protocol Pack #18.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #31.YesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#40.YesSupported PC v8.8.0.9 as of Protocol Pack #36.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #44.NoSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#37.YesMapped to HTTP Streaming.Supported iOS v1.4.2, PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack #35.YesSupported Android- V1.1.15.7 and iOS-1.15(27)and PC (Web browser) as of Protocol Pack #50.NoSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#33.Updated support for PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack #37.NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.5 and later with Protocol Pack #21.YesClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.0 with Protocol Pack #17.Supported as of Protocol Pack #26.Updated as of Protocol Pack#32.YesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#44.YesSlingPlayer supported as of ProtocolPack #05.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #30.Supported PC (Web Browser), Android v5.0.4428, iOS v6.0.79 as of Protocol Pack #45.YesSupported Android v 2.1.5, iOS v 5.1 and PC (WebBrowser) as of Protocol Pack #34.2-28Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name Sohu TVSpotifyTCP Ports None80UDP Ports NoneNoneSTANNoneStromMediaNoneSVTPlayNoneTeredoNoneTencentAppGemDownl None oadTivibuNoneTogic TV TotalMovieNone NoneTTNET MuzikNoneTudou80NoneNoneNone None NoneNoneNone NoneNoneNoneTuneIn Radio--TVAnts Twitch tvNone NoneUstream VagaaNone --VGTV and VGDiekte NoneViddyNone--None NoneNone --NoneNoneSignature Classification CommentsYesSupported Android v4.3.2, iOS v4.3.1, WindowsPhone v4.3.2 as of Protocol Pack #43.NoneSupported as of Protocol Pack #27.Supported PC (Web Browser), Android v, iOS v2.2.0 as of Protocol Pack #45.Supported Android,iPhone 5.7.0 as of Protocol Pack #54.YesSupported Android-V2.4.1, iOS-V1.6.3, PC (WebBrowser) as of Protocol Pack #55.YesUpdated Support to Player on PC as of ProtocolPack #37.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #23.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #29.YesSupported Android v5.0.0 as of Protocol Pack #44.YesSupported PC v4.10.0, Android v1.9, and iOS v1.8as of Protocol Pack #40.NoSupported Android v2.8.2 as of Protocol Pack #43.YesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#36.YesSupported Android v3.0.5, and iOS v3.1 as ofProtocol Pack # 40.NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #29.Supported Android v4.1.0, iOS v4.1.0 as of Protocol Pack #42.YesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#39.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #06.YesSupported PC (Web Browser), Android v2.7.2, iOSv3.0.4 as of Protocol Pack #42.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #23.YesSupported as of 3.1.5, 3.1.6, 3.1.6S, 3.1.7, and 3.5.0Protocol Pack #16.YesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#43.YesSupported PC (Web Browser), Android v1.3.1, iOSv1.9.7 as of Protocol Pack #33.Updated Support to Android v1.3.2, iOS v2.6.2, PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack #38.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-29IntroductionChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name VineVST Vuclip VuduVimeoTCP Ports NoneNone None NoneNoneUDP Ports NoneNone None NoneNoneWandoujia Android Appstore WanhuatongwatchitooNone None NoneNone None NoneWatcheverNoneWDR-MediathekenNoneWebrtc-Firefox Hello NoneYahoo ScreenNoneYouku Yuzu WaukitvNone None NoneWindows Store[App Download]NoneNone None None None None None None NoneXbox_Video/Browsing NoneNoneSignature Classification CommentsYesSupported Android-V3.3.05, iOS-V3.7.1 and PC(Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#49.NoSupported Android v2.1.0 as of Protocol Pack #44.NoSupported as of Protocol Pack #32.NoSupport PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#37.YesClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.0 and later with Protocol Pack #18.Updated support for Android v1.1.41, iOS v3.0.1 PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack #36.YesSupported PC (Web Browser), Android v3.14.2 asof Protocol Pack #44.NoSupported Android v1.0520 as of Protocol Pack#47.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #33.Updated Supported PC (Web Browser) and protocol mapped under Video Conference as of Protocol Pack #37.YesSupported PC Web Browser as of Protocol Pack#43.NoSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#37.YesSupported PC (Web Browser)- Firefox 36 as ofProtocol Pack #47.YesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#39.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #25.NoSupported as of Protocol Pack #38.YesSupported PC (Web Browser), Android v2.0, andiOS v2.0 as of Protocol Pack #40.YesSupported PC (Web Browser), Windows 8.1 OS,Mobile (Web Browser), Windows 8 as of ProtocolPack #41.Supported PC v8.1, Windows Phone v8.0 as of Protocol Pack #44.YesSupported PC (Web Browser) application onWindows 8 as of Protocol Pack #41.2-30Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name Xunlei KankanTCP Ports NoneUDP Ports NoneYouTube HttpsZDF MediathekEmail BIFF DAUM GmailHotmail (Outlook)IMAPIMAP3 IMAP4-SSL IMAPSNone None-- None NoneNone 143 220 585 993None None512 None NoneNone 143 220 585 993Lotus Domino MS ExchangeNone NoneMS Push MailNoneMy_Com-MyMailNonePOP2109POP3110POP3S995SMTP Yahoo Mail25 NoneContent Delivery NetworksNone NoneNoneNone109 -- 995-- NoneSignature Classification CommentsYesSupported Android [Thunderlook v3.7.01],cloudplay [Thunder video] v3.1.1.1, iThunderv4.1.2.2350, iOS [Thunderlook v3.9.1.341]cloudplay [Thundervideo] v3.1.1.1, iThunderv4.0.1.1077 as of Protocol Pack #44.YesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#41.YesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#40.----YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #24.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #15.Gmail Mobile Updated as of Protocol Pack #32.YesSupported PC (Web Browser), Android v 4.8.4, iOSv3.2.16 as of Protocol Pack #47.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #29 (IPv6 Signatureand port based classification support).----------SSL signature-based classification supported as ofProtocol Pack #19 (V3.5.0 and later only).Supported as of Protocol Pack #29 (IPv6 Port based classification support).--Supported with the Protocol Pack #28.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #21.Supported as of Protocol Pack #27(IPv6).YesWindows 5.0 mobile device as of2.5.10/3.0.6/3.1.0 with Protocol Pack #09.YesSupported Android v2.0.3.6634, iOS v2.0.1 as ofProtocol Pack #42.----YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #27(IPv6).--SSL signature-based classification supported as ofProtocol Pack #19 (V3.5.0 and later only).YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #27(IPv6).YesSupported PC (Web Browser), Android v 3.1, iOSv2.3.67 as of Protocol Pack #47.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-31IntroductionChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name AkamaiTCP Ports --File Transfer Adobe Reader CloudNoneUDP Ports --NoneAndroid Market v3.5.19 NoneNoneAppstoreAptoide Appstore BadongoBFT CloudMe DepositFilesNoneNone 80152 8080None None 80NoneNone None152 NoneNoneNone None NoneDivshare Easyshare Enterupload Extabit FileFactory80None80None80None80None80NoneSignature Classification CommentsYesSupported Android, iOS, and PC as of ProtocolPack #39.YesYesYes Yes No -- No No Yes None NoNo No No No NoSupported PC ver XI, Android v 10.4, iOS v10.4 as of Protocol Pack #33. Supported PCver XI as of Protocol Pack#45. Supported as of Protocol Pack #29. Renamed Android Market to Google play Updated support as Protocol Pack #32. Supported as of Protocol Pack #30. Updated Support for iOS as of Protocol Pack #39. Supported V7.1.0.7 as of Protocol Pack #53. Classification is supported using HTTP flavors. Supported as of Protocol Pack #23. -- Classification is supported using HTTP flavors. Supported as of Protocol Pack #27. Classification is supported using HTTP flavors. Supported as of Protocol Pack #25. Supported as of Protocol Pack #32. Supported PC v 1.5.9, Android v 1.5.9, iOS v 1.5.3 as of Protocol Pack #33. Classification is supported using HTTP flavors. Supported as of Protocol Pack #23. Updated as part of Protocol Pack #29. Classification is supported using HTTP flavors. Supported as of Protocol Pack #23. Classification is supported using HTTP flavors. Supported as of Protocol Pack #24. Classification is supported using HTTP flavors. Supported as of Protocol Pack #27. Classification is supported using HTTP flavors. Supported as of Protocol Pack #25. Classification is supported using HTTP flavors. Supported as of Protocol Pack #23.2-32Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name FileDenTCP Ports 80UDP Ports NoneFilesonic80NoneFileserve Freakshare80None80NoneFTPFTP-Agent FTP-Data Furknet21--574574202080NoneGigaSize80NoneGoogleDriveNoneNoneGoogleGoggles Hopster HotFileHootSuiteHTTP Tunnel HulkshareInstagramNone None 80NoneNone 80NoneNone None NoneNoneNone NoneNoneLetitBit80NoneSignature Classification CommentsNoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #24.NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #25.NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #25.NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #24.YesSignature updated as of Protocol Pack #23.Supported as of Protocol Pack #27(IPv6 support).----Yes--NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #27.YesClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #24.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #30. SupportedAndroid-V2., iOS-V4.8.1 as ofProtocol Pack #53.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #30.YesRelease 17 supported as of Protocol Pack #05.NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #23.YesSupported Android v 2.1.5, iOS v 2.4.13 as ofProtocol Pack #34.Yes--NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #25.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #31.Updated for Android v 3.4.1, iOS v 3.4.2 as of Protocol Pack #33.Updated for Android v4.1.2, iOS v4.1.2 as of Protocol Pack #38.NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #24.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-33IntroductionChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name LimeLinxTCP Ports 80UDP Ports NoneMediaFire80NoneMegashares80MegaUpload80MFTP349Netload80NI-FTP Microsoft One-Drive47 NoneOpera Mobile OronPlunderPutlo RapidShareNone 8080None 80NoneNone349 None47 NoneNone NoneNoneNone NoneRPC SendSpace Sharebeast Shareflare SFTP46946980None80None80None115115Signature Classification CommentsNoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #23.NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #23.Updated as of Protocol Pack #29.Updated support to Android v1.12.0, Android v4.0.5, iOS v1.6.1, iOS v4.0.3 and PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack #35.NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #27.NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.0 with Protocol Pack #16.----NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #25.----YesSupported Android v2.0.1, iOS v4.1, PC (WebBrowser), Windows 8.1 (Standalone), Mobile v3.6as of Protocol Pack #41.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #30.NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #25.NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #27.YesSupported iOS v 1.02 as of Protocol Pack #33.NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of 3.5.0 with Protocol Pack #16.Supported as of Protocol Pack #33.----NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #23.NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #25.NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #25.----2-34Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name SoundCloudSpeedyShareTCP Ports None80UDP Ports NoneNoneSSDP SUNRPC Sugarsync TFTP TurbobitUbuntuone Uploaded2None 111 None 69 80None 80-- 111 None 69 NoneNone NoneUploading80Usershare80Upload Station80Vipfile80Wupload80Wuploadupload80Wuploaddownload80Ziddu80None None None None None None None NoneSignature Classification CommentsYesSupported PC (Web Browser), Android v14.12.18-43, iOS v3.6.0 as of Protocol Pack #45.NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #23.Support updated with the Protocol Pack #27.Supported as of Protocol Pack #27(IPv6 support).Supported as of Protocol Pack #28.Updated signature supported as of Protocol Pack #30 (IPv6 support).Yes------NoSupported as of Protocol Pack #32.--Supported as of Protocol Pack #27(IPv6 support).NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #25.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #31.NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #23.Updated as part of Protocol Pack #29.NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #23.NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #25.NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #27.NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #27.NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #27.NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #29.NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #29.NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #23.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-35IntroductionChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name ZippyshareTCP Ports 80UDP Ports NoneZshare-Net80None2shared4sharedTerminal Access Logmein Ignition Remote Desktop Connection RTELNET SSH80 80None None 107 22None NoneNone None 107 22Team Viewer v9NoneNoneTELNET23TELNETS VNC Trading eBay992 NoneNoneMulti-Thread Thunder Mobile Mobile MMS Olive Phone PTT Winphoria TextPlus InternationalNoneNone None None None23992 NoneNoneNoneNone None None NoneSignature Classification CommentsNoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #24.NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #23.NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #23.NoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #23.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #31.YesUpdated support to PC v8.0 as of Protocol Pack#35.----YesSignature-based support is provided as of ProtocolPack #24.Supported as of Protocol Pack #29 (IPv6 support).YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #26.Updated support for classification of SSL and TCP non-established flow for Team Viewer v9, PC v9.0.26297, Android v9.0.1555, and iOS v8.0.10465 as of Protocol Pack #40.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #27 (L7 signaturebased).Supported as of Protocol Pack #28(IPv6 support).----YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #32.YesSupported Android v, iOS v 2.7 as ofProtocol Pack #33.YesVersion 5.5 supported as of Protocol Pack #07.Yes--YesSupported with the Protocol Pack #26.Yes--YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #32.2-36Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name ViewnEnterprise ActiveSync Gmail BitCoin Citrix FIX MSS MS-SQL-M MS-SQL-S ORACLE OracleNames oraclenet8cman SAPSQL*NET SQL-NET SQLSERV SQLSRV Networking l2TP AUTH BGP BOOTPC BOOTPS CHARGEN CORBA-IIOP CORBA-IIOP-SSL DNS ECHO FINGER GOPHER Iperf IPX MDC-Portmapper NETBIOS-DGMTCP Ports 80UDP Ports NoneNone -- None -- 1755 1434 1433 1521 1575 1630 3200/ 3300 /3600 66 150 118 156None -- None -- -- 1434 1433 1521 1575 1630 None66 150 118 1561701 113 179 68 67 19 683 684 None 7 79 70 None 213 685 1381701 113 179 68 67 19 683 684 None 7 79 70 None 213 685 138Signature Classification CommentsNoClassification is supported using HTTP flavors.Supported as of Protocol Pack #25.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #22.YesSupported PC and Android as of Protocol Pack #40.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #20.--Supported as of Protocol Pack #21.------------------------Supported as of Protocol Pack #20.----------------------------------------------------------------YesSupported PC 2.0.5 as of Protocol Pack #35.------------Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-37IntroductionChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name NETBIOS-NS NETBIOS-SSN NPP NTP PPTPRADIUS SGMP SGMP-TRAPS SpeedTestSMPP SNMP SNMPTRAP SSTP STUNTCP Ports 137 139 92 123 1723UDP Ports 137 139 92 123 17231812-1813 153 160 None1812-1813 153 160 NoneNone 161 162 None NoneNone 161 162 None NoneSYSLOG TACACS TACACS-DS TIME WHOIS Security DroidVPN ESP GetflixIPSec over tcp isakmp5144949656537376363None None NoneNone 500,4500None None NoneNone 500,4500MacOsUpdateNoneNoneSignature Classification Comments----------------YesSignature classification is complementary for portbased.------------YesSupported PC (Web Browser), Android v3.0.1, andiOS v4.0.1 as of Protocol Pack #40.YesSupported PC and Mobile as of protocol pack #48.--------YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #47.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #05.Supported as of Protocol Pack #30(IPv6 support).--------------------YesSupported Android v2.1 as of Protocol Pack #40.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #18.YesSupporter PC (Web Browser), Android and iOS asof Protocol Pack #44.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #18.YesSignature classification is complementary for portbased and is supported as of Protocol Pack #18.Prior to PP#18, ISAKMP was classified under "other well known ports". As of PP#22, after having its own signature in PP#18, ISAKMP protocol has been moved to "IPSec VPN" service.Supported as of Protocol Pack #45YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #42.2-38Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name MediaHintOpenVPNTCP Ports NoneNoneUDP Ports None1194PacketiXPacketiX 1.0 NoneProxpnVPN SSL TunnelBearNone None NoneUNBLOCKUS Windows UpdateNone NoneNone None NoneNone NoneZenmate Other 3COM-AMP3 3COM-TSMUXNone629 106None629 106Signature Classification CommentsYesSupported PC (Web Browser) as of Protocol Pack#44.YesOpenVPN version 1.0.3 supported as of ProtocolPack #19.Updated as of Protocol Pack #32.Supported Proxy-based traffic of OpenVPN as of Protocol Pack #44.YesSupported As of Protocol Pack #12.Service tree mapping changed from FileSharing > P2P > OtherP2P to Internet Privacy > VPN > Other VPN in PP#37 (applicable for 400).YesSupported PC v2.5.2, Android-1.3.9 v2.0.0 as ofProtocol Pack #43.YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #19.SSL v3 supported as Protocol Pack #27.YesSupported PC v2.2.2.0,Android v56,and iOS v1.0.7as of Protocol Pack #40.Supported Android v7.0 as of Protocol Pack #43.YesSupported PC v2.7, Android Browser, iOSBrowser, Kindle Fire Browser as of Protocol Pack#43.Yes· Classifications are supported using HTTPflavors and signatures.· Traffic related to self-update and downloading are supported using HTTP flavors.· Traffic related to the list of updates are supported using signatures.Supported as of v3.5.5 and later with Protocol Pack #21.Updated support for Windows 8.1 OS as of Protocol Pack #41.Updated support for Windows store upgrade 8 to 8.1 as of Protocol Pack #42.Updated support for Windows Mobile OS V8.1 as of Protocol Pack #46.YesSupported PC v3.7 as of Protocol Pack #42.--------Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-39IntroductionReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name 914C/G 9PFS ACAS ACCESSBUILDER ACCESSNETWORK ACI ACMAINT_DBD ACMAINT_TRANSD ACP ACR-NEMA AED-512 AGENTX AIM ALPES AMINET AMPR-RCMD ANET ANSANOTIFY ANSATRADER AODV APERTUS-LDP APPLEQTC APPLEQTCSRVR APPLIX ARCISDMS ARIEL1 ARIEL2 ARIEL3 ARNS ASA ASA-APPL-PROTO ASIA ASIPREGISTRY ASIP-WEBADMIN AS-SERVERMAPTCP Ports 211 564 62 88 699 187 -- -- 599 104 149 705 5190-5193 463 649 459 212 116 124 654 539 458 545 -- 262 419 421 422 384 386 502 626 687 311 449UDP Ports 211 564 62 888 699 187 774 775 599 104 149 705 -- 463 649 459 212 116 124 654 539 458 545 999 262 419 421 422 384 386 502 626 687 311 449Signature Classification Comments--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 2 Internet Protocols2-40Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name AT-3 AT-5 AT-7 AT-8 AT-ECHO AT-NBP AT-RTMP AT-ZIS AUDIONEWS AUDIT AUDITD AURORA-CMGR AURP AUX_BUS_SHUNT AVIAN BANYAN-RPC BANYAN-VIP BDP BGMP BGS-NSI BH611 BHEVENT BHFHS BHMDS BL-IDM BMPP BNET BORLAND-DSJ BUSBOY CABLEPORT-AX CAB-PROTOCOL CADLOCK CAILIC CAL CDCTCP Ports 203 205 207 208 204 202 201 206 114 182 48 364 387 623 486 567 573 581 264 482 354 357 248 310 142 632 415 707 998 282 595 770 216 588 223UDP Ports 203 205 207 208 204 202 201 206 114 182 48 364 387 623 486 567 573 581 264 482 354 357 248 310 142 632 415 707 -- 282 595 770 216 588 223Signature Classification Comments--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IntroductionCisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-41IntroductionReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name CFDPTKT CHSHELL CISCO-FNA CISCO-SYS CISCO-TDP CISCO-TNA CITADEL CITRIXADMIN CITRIXIMA CITRIXIMACLIENT CITRIX-RTMP CL/1 CLEARCASE CLOANTO-NET-1 CMIP-AGENT CMIP-MAN COAUTHOR CODAAUTH2 COLLABORATOR COMMERCE COMPRESSNET COMSCM CON CONCERT CONFERENCE CONNENDP CONTENTSERVER CORERID COURIER COVIA CREATIVEPARTNER CREATIVESERVER CRS CRYPTOADMIN CSI-SGWPTCP Ports 120 562 130 132 711 131 504 2513 2512 2598 2897 172 371 356 164 163 1529 3703 622 5442 2-3 437 759 786 531 693 454 284 530 64 455 453 507 624 348UDP Ports 120 562 130 132 711 131 504 2513 2512 2598 2897 172 371 356 164 163 1529 370 622 542 2-3 437 759 786 531 693 454 284 530 64 455 453 507 624 348Signature Classification Comments--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 2 Internet Protocols2-42Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name CSNET-NS CTF CUSTIX CVC_HOSTD CYBERCASH CYCLESERV CYCLESERV2 DANTZ DATASURFSRV DATASURFSRVSEC DATEX-ASN DAYTIME DBASE DCP DDM-DFM DDM-RDB DDM-SSL DEC_DLM DECAP DECAUTH DECBSRV DECLADEBUG DECVMS-SYSMGT DEI-ICDA DEOS DEVICE DEVICESHARE DHCP-FAILOVER DHCP-FAILOVER2 DHCPV6-CLIENT DHCPV6-SERVER DIGITAL-EVM DIGITAL-VRC DIRECT DIRECTV-CATLGTCP Ports 105 84 528 442 551 763 772 497 461 462 355 13 217 93 447 446 448 625 403 316 579 410 441 618 76 801 552 647 847 546 547 619 466 242 3337UDP Ports 105 84 528 442 551 763 772 497 461 462 355 13 217 93 447 446 448 625 403 316 579 410 441 618 76 801 552 647 847 546 547 619 466 242 3337Signature Classification Comments--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IntroductionCisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-43IntroductionReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name DIRECTV-SOFT DIRECTV-TICK DIRECTV-WEB DISCARD DISCLOSE DIXIE DLS DLS-MON DN6-NLM-AUD DN6-SMM-RED DNA-CLM DNSIX DPSI DSAP DSETOS DSFGW DSP DSP3270 DTAG-STE-SB DTK DWR EFS ELCSD EMBL-NDT EMFIS-CNTL EMFIS-DATA ENTOMB ENTRUST-AAAS ENTRUST-AAMS ENTRUST-ASH ENTRUST-KMSH ENTRUST-SPS ENTRUSTTIME EPMAP ESCP-IPTCP Ports 3335 3336 3334 9 667 96 197 198 195 196 436 90 315 439 378 438 33 246 352 365 644 520 704 394 141 140 775 680 681 710 709 640 309 135 621UDP Ports 3335 3336 3334 9 667 96 197 198 195 196 436 90 315 439 378 438 33 246 352 365 644 -- 704 394 141 140 -- 680 681 710 709 640 309 135 621Signature Classification Comments--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 2 Internet Protocols2-44Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name ESRO-EMSDP ESRO-GEN EUDORA-SET EXEC EYELINK FATSERV FCP FLEXLM FLN-SPX FSGS FTPS FTPS-DATA FUJITSU-DEV FXP-1 GACP GARCON GDOMAP GENIE GENRAD-MUX GGF-NCP GINAD GLT POLIANE GO-LOGIN GPPITNP GRAPHICS GROOVE GSS-HTTP GSS-XLICEN GTP-USER HA-CLUSTER HAP HASSLE HCP-WISMAR HDAP HELLO-PORTTCP Ports 642 259 592 512 589 347 510 744 221 6112 990 989 747 286 190 999 538 402 176 678 634 1201 491 103 41 2492 488 127 2152 694 661 375 686 263 652UDP Ports 642 259 592 -- 589 347 510 744 221 6112 990 989 747 286 190 -- 538 402 176 678 634 -- 491 103 41 2492 488 127 2152 694 661 375 686 263 652Signature Classification Comments--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IntroductionCisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-45IntroductionReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol NameTCP PortsHEMS151HMMNP-OP613HMMP-IND612HOSTNAME101HOSTS2-NS81HP-ALARM-MGR383HP-COLLECTOR381HP-MANAGED-NODE 382HTTP-ALT591HTTP-MGMT280HTTP-RPC-EPMAP 593HYBRID-POP473HYPER-G418HYPERWAVE-ISP692IAFDBASE480IAFSERVER479IASD432IBM-APP385IBM-DB2523IBPROTOCOL6714ICAD-EL425ICLNET-LOCATE886ICLNET-SVINFO887IDEAFARM-CATCH 903IDEAFARM-CHAT 902IDFP549IEEE-MMS651IEEE-MSS-SSL695IIOP535IMSP406INBUSINESS244INFOSEEK414INGRES-NET134INTECOURIER495INTEGRA-SME484UDP Ports 151 613 612 101 81 383 381 382 591 280 593 473 418 692 480 479 432 385 523 6714 425 886 887 903 902 549 651 695 535 406 244 414 134 495 484Signature Classification Comments--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 2 Internet Protocols2-46Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name INTRINSA IPCD IPCSERVER IPDD IPP IRCSIRC-SERV IS99C IS99S ISI-GL ISO-ILL ISO-IP ISO-TP0 ISO-TSAP ISO-TSAP-C2 ITM-MCELL-S JARGON K-BLOCK KERBEROS KERBEROS-ADM KERBEROS-IV KEYSERVER KIS KLOGIN KNET-CMP KPASSWD KRYPTOLAN KSHELL LA-MAINT LANSERVER LaplinkLDAP LDAPS LDPTCP Ports 503 576 600 578 631 944529 379 380 55 499 147 146 102 399 828 148 287 88 749 -- 584 186 543 157 464 398 544 51 637 1547-- 636 646UDP Ports 503 576 600 578 631 944529 379 380 55 499 147 146 102 399 828 148 287 88 749 750 584 186 543 157 464 398 544 51 637 None389 636 646Signature Classification Comments----------------------SSL signature based classification supported as ofProtocol Pack #19 (V3.5.0 and later only).------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------YesLaplink Gold v12 supported as of Protocol Pack#20.------------Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-47IntroductionReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name LEGENT-1 LEGENT-2 LINK LJK-LOGIN LOCUS-CON LOCUS-MAP LOGIN MAC-SRVR-ADMIN MAGENTA-LOGIC MAILBOX-LM MAILQ MAITRD MASQDIALER MATIP-TYPE-A MATIP-TYPE-B MCIDAS MCNS-SEC MDBS_DAEMON MECOMM MEREGISTER META5 METAGRAM METER MFCOBOL MICOM-PFS MICROMUSE-LM MICROSOFT-DS MIT-DOV MIT-ML-DEV MM-ADMIN MOBILEIP-AGENT MOBILIP-MN MONDEX MONITOR MORTGAGEWARETCP Ports 373 374 245 472 127 125 513 660 313 505 174 997 224 350 351 112 638 800 668 669 393 99 570-571 86 490 1534 445 91 83, 85 534 434 435 471 561 367UDP Ports 373 374 245 472 127 125 -- 660 313 505 174 997 224 350 351 112 638 800 668 669 393 99 570-571 86 490 1534 445 91 83, 85 534 434 435 471 561 367Signature Classification Comments--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 2 Internet Protocols2-48Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol NameTCP PortsMPM45MPM-FLAGS44MPM-SND46MPP218MPTM397MRM679MSDP639MSEXCH-ROUTING 691MSFT-GC3268MSFT-GC-SSL3269MSG-AUTH31MSG-ICP29MSNP1836MS-OLAP2382-2383, 2393-2394MSP18MS-ROME569MS-SHUTTLE568MS-TERM-SERVICES 3389MULTILING-HTTP 777MULTIPLEX171MUMPS188MYLEX-MAPD467MYSQL3306NAME42NAMP167NAS991NCED404NCLD405NCP523NDSAUTH353NEST-PROTOCOL489NET8-CMAN1830NET-ASSISTANT3283NETGW741NETNEWS532UDP Ports 45 44 46 218 397 679 639 691 3268 3269 31 29 1836 2382-2383, 2393-2394 18 569 568 3389 777 171 188 467 3306 42 167 991 404 405 524 353 489 1830 3283 741 532Signature Classification Comments--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IntroductionCisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-49IntroductionChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name NETRCS NETRJS-1 NETRJS-2 NETRJS-3 NETRJS-4 NETSC-DEV NETSC-PROD NETVIEWDM1 NETVIEWDM2 NETVIEWDM3 NETWALL NETWARE-IP NEWACCT NEW-RWHO NEXTSTEP NICNAME NI-MAIL NIP NLOGIN NMAP NMPM-LOCAL NMSP NNSP NNTPSTCP Ports 742 71 72 73 74 155 154 729 730 731 533 396 100 550 178 43 61 376 758 689 610 537 433 563NOTIFY--NOVASTORBAKCUP 308NPMP-GUI611NPMP-TRAP609NQS607NS760NSIIOPS261NSRMP359NSS-ROUTING159NSW-FE27NTALK518UDP Ports 742 71 72 73 74 155 154 729 730 731 533 396 -- 550 178 43 61 376 758 689 610 537 433 563773 308 611 609 607 760 261 359 159 27 518Signature Classification Comments----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SSL- signature-based classification supported as ofProtocol Pack #20 (v3.5.0 and later only).--------------------------------------------2-50Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name NXEDIT OBEX OBJCALL OCBINDER OCS_AMU OCS_CMU OCSERVER ODMR OHIMSRV OLSR OMGINITIALREFS OMSERV ONMUX OPALIS-RDV OPALIS-ROBOT OPC-JOB-START OPC-JOB-TRACK OPENPORT OPENVMS-SYSIPC ORASRV ORBIX-CONFIG ORBIXD ORBIX-LOCATOR ORBIX-LOC-SSL OSU-NMS PASSGO PASSGO-TIVOLI PASSWORD-CHG PAWSERV PCMAIL-SRV PDAP PEERENABLER PERSONAL-LINK PFTP PHTCP Ports 126 650 94 183 429 428 184 366 506 698 900 764 417 536 314 423 424 260 557 1525 3076 1570 3075 3077 192 511 627 586 345 158 344 3531 281 662 481UDP Ports 126 650 94 183 429 428 184 366 506 698 900 764 417 536 314 423 424 260 557 1525 3076 1570 3075 3077 192 511 627 586 345 158 344 3531 281 662 481Signature Classification Comments--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IntroductionCisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-51IntroductionReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name PHILIPS-VC PHONEBOOK PHOTURIS PIM-RP-DISC PIP PIRP PKIX-3-CA-RA PKIX-TIMESTAMP POV-RAY POWERBURST PRINTER PRINT-SRV PRM-NM PRM-SM PROFILE PROSPERO PSSC PTCNAMESERVICE PTP-EVENT PTP-GENERAL PUMP PUPARP PURENOISE PWDGEN QBIKGDP QFT QMPT QMQP QOTD QRH QSC QUOTAD RAP RDA RDB-DBS-DISPTCP Ports 583 767 468 496 321 553 829 318 494 485 515 170 409 408 136 191 645 597 319 320 751 -- 663 129 368 189 209 628 17 752 -- 762 38 630 1571UDP Ports 583 767 468 496 321 553 829 318 494 485 515 170 409 408 136 191 645 597 319 320 751 998 663 129 368 189 209 628 17 752 787 762 38 630 1571Signature Classification Comments--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 2 Internet Protocols2-52Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name REALM-RUSD RE-MAIL-CK REMOTEFS REMOTE-KIS REPCMD REPSCMD RESCAP RFILE RIPNG RIS RIS-CM RJE RLP RLZDBASE RMC RMIACTIVATION RMIREGISTRY RMONITOR RMT ROUTER RPASSWD RPC2PORTMAP RRH RRP RRSH-SPX RSVD RSVP_TUNNEL RSYNC RTIP RTSPS RUSHD RXE SAFT SANITY SCC-SECURITYTCP Ports 688 50 556 185 641 653 283 750 521 180 748 5 39 635 657 1098 1099 560 -- -- 774 369 753 648 222 168 363 873 771 322 696 761 487 643 582UDP Ports 688 50 556 185 641 653 283 -- 521 180 748 5 39 635 657 1098 1099 560 411 520 -- 369 753 648 222 168 363 873 771 322 696 761 487 643 582Signature Classification Comments--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IntroductionCisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-53IntroductionReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name SCO-DTMGR SCOHELP SCOI2ODIALOG SCO-INETMGR SCO-SYSMGR SCO-WEBSRVRMG3 SCO-WEBSRVRMGR SCX-PROXY SDNSKMP SECURE-AUX-BUS SEMANTIX SEND SERVSTAT SET SFS-CONFIG SFS-SMP-NET SGCP SHELL SHOCKWAVE SHRINKWRAP SIAM SIFT-UFT SILC SILVERPLATTER SIN SITARADIR SITARAMGMT SITARASERVER SKRONK SMAKYNET SMARTSDP SMPNAMERES SMPTE SMSD SMSPTCP Ports 617 457 360 615 616 598 620 470 558 664 361 169 633 257 452 451 440 514 1626 358 498 608 706 416 22450 2631 2630 2629 460 122 426 901 420 596 --UDP Ports 517 457 360 615 616 598 620 470 558 664 361 169 633 257 452 451 440 -- 1626 358 498 608 706 416 22450 2631 2630 2629 460 122 426 901 420 596 413Signature Classification Comments--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 2 Internet Protocols2-54Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name SMUX SNAGAS SNARE S-NET SNPP SNTP-HEARTBEAT SOFTPC SONAR Soundcloud_HTTPS SPMP SPSC SRC SRMP SRSSEND SS7NS SSHELL SST STATSRV STMF STREETTALK STX SUBMISSION SUBMIT SUBNTBCST_TFTP SU-MIT-TG SUN-DR SUPDUP SURF SUR-MEAS SVRLOC SWIFT-RVF SYNOPTICS-TRAP SYNOTICS-BROKER SYNOTICS-RELAY SYSTATTCP Ports 199 108 509 166 444 580 215 572 None 656 478 200 193 362 477 614 266 133 501 566 527 587 773 247 89 665 95 1010 243 427 97 -- 392 391 11UDP Ports 199 108 509 166 444 580 215 572 None 656 478 200 193 362 477 614 266 133 501 566 527 587 -- 247 89 665 95 1010 243 427 97 412 392 391 11Signature Classification Comments--------------------------------YesSupported as of Protocol Pack #31.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-55IntroductionReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name TACNEWS TALK TD-REPLICA TD-SERVICE TEEDTAP TELL TEMPO TENFOLD TEXAR TICF-1 TICF-2 TIMBUKTU TIMED TINC TLISRV TNETOS TNS-CML TN-TL-FD1 TN-TL-W1 TN-TL-W2 TPIP TSERVER UAAC UARPSUMA UIS ULISTPROC ULP ULPNET UNIDATA-LDM UNIFY UNREAL_UT UPS URL-RENDEZVOUS URM UTIMETCP Ports 98 517 268 267 559 754 526 658 333 492 493 407 525 655 1527 377 590 476 474 -- 594 450 145 219 390 372 522 483 388 181 7778 401 465 606 519UDP Ports 98 517 268 267 559 754 526 658 333 492 493 407 525 655 1527 377 590 476 -- 474 594 450 145 219 390 372 522 483 388 181 7778 401 465 606 519Signature Classification Comments--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 2 Internet Protocols2-56Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 2 Internet ProtocolsReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name UTMPCD UTMPSD UUCP UUCP-PATH UUCP-RLOGIN UUIDGEN VACDSM-APP VACDSM-SWS VATP VEMMI VID VIDEOTEX VMNET VMPWSCS VNAS VPP VPPS-VIA VSINET VSLMP WAP-HTTPS WAP-PUSH WAP-PUSHSECURE WAP-VCAL WAP-VCAL-S WAP-VCARD WAP-VCARD-S WAP-WSP WAP-WSP-S WAP-WSP-WTP WAP-WSP-WTP-S WAR-HTTP WEBSTER WHO WHOAMI WORK-SOLTCP Ports 431 430 540 117 541 697 671 670 690 575 769 516 175 214 577 677 676 996 312 4036 2948 2949 9205 9207 9204 9206 9200 9202 9201 9203 4035 765 -- 565 400UDP Ports 431 430 540 117 541 697 671 670 690 575 769 516 175 214 577 677 676 996 312 4036 2948 2949 9205 9207 9204 9206 9200 9202 9201 9203 4035 765 513 565 400Signature Classification Comments--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IntroductionCisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide2-57IntroductionReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 2-1Internet Protocols (continued)Protocol Name WORLDFUSION WPAGES WPGS WTA-WSP-S XACT-BACKUP X-BONE-CTL XDMCP XDTP XFER XFR XNS-AUTH XNS-CH XNS-COURIER XNS-MAIL XNS-TIME XVTTP XYPLWX-MUX YAK-CHAT Z39.50 ZANNET ZSERVTCP Ports 2595-2596 776 780 2805 911 265 177 3088 82 682 56 54 165 58 52 508 173 258 210 317 346UDP Ports 2595-2596 776 780 2805 911 265 177 3088 82 682 56 54 165 58 52 508 173 258 210 317 346Signature Classification Comments------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 2 Internet Protocols2-58Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideIP Protocols3 C H A P T E RIntroductionThis chapter lists the IP protocols supported by Cisco SCA BB. For each protocol, the protocol index number in the IP header is provided.Table 3-1IP ProtocolsIP Protocol Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21Protocol Name HOPOPT ICMP IGMP GGP IP ST Generic TCP CBT EGP IGP BBN-RCC-MON NVP-II PUP ARGUS EMCON XNET CHAOS Generic UDP MUX DCN-MEAS HMP PRMCisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide3-1IntroductionTable 3-1IP Protocols (continued)IP Protocol Number 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57Protocol Name XNS-IDP TRUNK-1 TRUNK-2 LEAF-1 LEAF-2 RDP IRTP ISO-TP4 NETBLT MFE-NSP MERIT-INP SEP 3PC IDPR XTP DDP IDPR-CMTP TP++ IL IPv6-Over-IPv4 SDRP IPv6-Route IPv6-Frag IDRP RSVP GRE MHRP BNA ESP AH I-NLSP SWIPE NARP MOBILE TLSP SKIPCisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide3-2Chapter 3 IP ProtocolsChapter 3 IP ProtocolsIntroductionTable 3-1IP Protocols (continued)IP Protocol Number 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93Protocol Name IPv6-ICMP IPv6-NoNxt IPv6-Opts Any host internal protocol CFTP Any local network SAT-EXPAK KRYPTOLAN RVD IPPC Any distributed file system SAT-MON VISA IPCV CPNX CPHB WSN PVP BR-SAT-MON SUN-ND WB-MON WB-EXPAK ISO-IP VMTP SECURE-VMTP VINES TTP NSFNET-IGP DGP TCF EIGRP OSPFIGP Sprite-RPC LARP MTP AX.25Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide3-3IntroductionTable 3-1IP Protocols (continued)IP Protocol Number 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126Chapter 3 IP ProtocolsProtocol Name IPIP MICP SCC-SP ETHERIP ENCAP Any private encryption scheme GMTP IFMP PNNI PIM ARIS SCPS QNX A/N IPComp SNP Compaq-Peer IPX-in-IP VRRP PGM Any 0-hop protocol L2TP DDX IATP STP SRP UTI SMP SM PTP ISIS FIRE CRTPCisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide3-4Review Draft - Cisco ConfidentialProtocol Signatures4 C H A P T E RIntroductionThis chapter lists the protocol signatures currently supported by Cisco SCA BB. The below tables list the signature ID values for the separate Protocol Packs: · Signature ID Values for PP#03 and SCA-BB 3.0.1 and Later · Signature ID Values for PP#03 and SCA-BB 3.0.1 and Later · Signature ID Values for PP#04 and SCA-BB 3.0.3 and Later · Signature ID Values for PP#05 and SCA-BB 3.0.4 and Later · Signature ID Values for PP#06 and SCA-BB 3.0.5 and Later · Signature ID Values for PP#07 and SCA-BB 3.0.6 and Later · Signature ID Values for PP#08 and SCA-BB 3.1.0 and Later · Signature ID Values for PP#09 · Signature ID Values for PP#10 · Signature ID Values for PP#11 · Signature ID Values for PP#12 · Signature ID Values for PP#13 · Signature ID Values for PP#14 · Signature ID Values for PP#15 · Signature ID Values for PP#16 · Signature ID Values for PP#17 · Signature ID Values for PP#18 · Signature ID Values for PP#19 · Signature ID Values for PP#20 · Signature ID Values for PP#21 · Signature ID Values for PP#22 · Signature ID Values for PP#23 · Signature ID Values for PP#24 · Signature ID values for PP#25Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide4-1IntroductionChapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco Confidential· Signature ID values for PP#26 · Signature ID values for PP#27 · Signature ID values for PP#28 · Signature ID values for PP#29 · Signature ID values for PP#30 · Signature ID Values for PP#31 · Signature ID Values for PP#32 · Signature ID Values for PP#33 · Signature ID Values for PP#34 · Signature ID Values for PP#35 · Signature ID Values for PP#36 · Signature ID Values for PP#37 · Signature ID Values for PP#38 · Signature ID Values for PP#39 · Signature ID Values for PP#40 · Signature ID Values for PP#41 · Signature ID Values for PP#42 · Signature ID Values for PP#43 · Signature ID Values for PP#44 · Signature ID Values for PP#45 · Signature ID Values for PP#46 · Signature ID Values for PP#47 · Signature ID Values for PP#48 · Signature ID Values for PP#49 · Signature ID Values for PP#50 · Signature ID Values for PP#51 · Signature ID Values for PP#52 · Signature ID Values for PP#53 · Signature ID Values for PP#54 · Signature ID Values for PP#55Note The signature ID value created for a new protocol implemented in a Protocol Pack is a temporary value. The permanent signature ID value will be assigned in the next SCA-BB release. The permanent signature ID may be different from the temporary value assigned in the Protocol PackCisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide4-2Chapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 4-1Signature ID Values for PP#03 and SCA-BB 3.0.1 and LaterSignature Name BitTorrent BitTorrent Aged Flow Continuation BitTorrent File Transfer BitTorrent Networking DHCP DingoTel Direct Connect Direct Connect Client Direct Connect Servers DNS EDonkey Fasttrack File Transfer non HTTP Fasttrack File Transfer over HTTP Fasttrack Networking Filetopia File Transfer Filetopia Networking FTP Generic Gnutella 2 Networking Gnutella File Transfer Gnutella Networking H323 Hotline File Transfer Hotline Networking Hotline over HTTP Hotline Tracker HTTP IMAP IRC iTunes iTunes Download Manolito File Transfer Manolito Networking MGCP MS MMS MuteSignature ID 118095872 118096640 118096384 118096128 100794368 84541440 117899264 117899520 117899776 33685505 117833728 117572096 117572352 117571840 118227456 118227200 50462720 16777216 117506816 117506560 117506304 84344832 117768704 117768448 117769216 117768960 50397184 67239936 184614912 134283520 134283776 118030848 118030592 84279296 50659328 118423552Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide4-3IntroductionChapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 4-1Signature ID Values for PP#03 and SCA-BB 3.0.1 and Later (continued)Signature Name Napster Neonet Download NNTP Nodezilla POP3 PTT Winphoria SIP RTP RTSP Share SIP Skinny Skype SMTP Soulseek File Transfer Soulseek Networking TFTP Warez Warez Download Warez Networking Waste WINMX Winny 1 Winny 2 Yahoo MessengerSignature ID 134348800 118620416 67174400 118489088 67305472 84213760 84082688 50593792 118292480 84148224 84475904 84410368 67371008 118358528 118358272 50528256 118685696 118685952 118686208 118554624 117637120 117702912 117703168 184680448Table 4-2Signature ID Values for PP#03 and SCA-BB 3.0.1 and LaterSignature Name BaiBao Download BaiBao Networking HTTP-Tunnel Mobile MMS NTP POCO Download POCO Networking PPLive-P2P3.0.1 and Later Signature ID 118751232 118751488 234946560 50724864 100925440 118882560 118882304 118947840Protocol Pack #3 Signature ID 201392152 201392152 201392153 -- 201392150 201392146 201392146 201392147Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide4-4Chapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 4-2Signature ID Values for PP#03 and SCA-BB 3.0.1 and Later (continued)Signature Name PPStream Download PPStream Networking QQ Networking QQ-IM SSDP-P2P Thunder Networking UC Data UC Networking Yahoo VoIP3.0.1 and Later Signature ID 118816768 118817024 184746240 184745984 100859904 119013376 184811520 184811776 84606976Protocol Pack #3 Signature ID 201392145 201392145 201392151 201392151 201392144 201392149 201392148 201392148 --Table 4-3Signature ID Values for PP#04 and SCA-BB 3.0.3 and LaterSignature Name Dijjer Encrypted BitTorrent Exosee Furthur Generic Download Generic Non-Established TCP Kontiki PeerEnabler Radius Access Radius Accounting3.0.3 and Later Signature ID 119078912 118096896 119275520 119209984 16842752 16908288 119144448 119341056 100729088 100729344Protocol Pack #4 Signature ID 201392144 118096384 201392160 201392208 -- -- 201392224 201392176 -- --Table 4-4Signature ID Values for PP#05 and SCA-BB 3.0.4 and LaterSignature Name AntsP2P CUWorld CUWorld over Jabber CUWorld over RTP GoogleEarth Guruguru Hopster ICQ File Transfer ICQ Networking ICQ PTT3.0.4 and later Signature ID 119406592 184942592 184943104 184942848 251723776 119668736 235012096 184877568 184877312 184877824Protocol Pack #5 Signature ID 201392138 201392134 201392134 201392134 201392133 201392129 201392136 201392132 201392132 201392132Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide4-5IntroductionChapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 4-4Signature ID Values for PP#05 and SCA-BB 3.0.4 and Later (continued)Signature Name ICQ VoIP Jabber Kuro Rodi Sling Soribada STUN V-share3.0.4 and later Signature ID 184878080 185008128 119603200 119537664 50855936 119799808 100990976 119734272Protocol Pack #5 Signature ID 201392141 201392135 201392128 201392140 201392139 201392130 201392142 201392131Table 4-5Signature ID Values for PP#06 and SCA-BB 3.0.5 and LaterSignature Name DHT EmuleEncrypted Freenet Primus TVAnts3.0.5 and Later Signature ID 101056512 117834240 119930880 84672512 119865344Protocol Pack #06 Signature ID 201392132 201392133 201392131 201392130 201392129Table 4-6Signature ID Values for PP#07 and SCA-BB 3.0.6 and LaterSignature Name Flash Flash YouTube Flash MySpace Flash Yahoo QQ-Live Thunder DownloadProtocol Pack #07 Signature ID 201392130 201392131 201392132 201392133 201392129 2013921343.0.6 and Later Signature ID 251789312 251789568 251789824 251790080 120061952 119013632Table 4-7Signature ID Values for PP#08 and SCA-BB 3.1.0 and LaterSignature Name Audio over HTTP Binary over HTTP Baidu Movie Club Box FeidianProtocol Pack #08 Signature ID 201392133 201392134 201392135 201392131 2013921293.1.0 and Later Signature ID 50398464 50398976 134479872 134414336 120127488Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide4-6Chapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 4-7Signature ID Values for PP#08 and SCA-BB 3.1.0 and Later (continued)Signature Name Google Talk Video over HTTPProtocol Pack #08 Signature ID 201392130 2013921323.1.0 and Later Signature ID 185073664 50397952Table 4-8Signature ID Values for PP#09Signature Name Joost Location Free MS Push Mail Poco Windows Live Messenger Zattoo3.0.6 Protocol Pack #09 Signature ID 201392138 201392137 2013921392013921403.1.0 Protocol Pack #09 Signature ID 201392132 201392130 201392134 201392133 2013921313.1.1 and Later Signature ID 120324096 120258560 67502080 118882304 185139200201392136201392129120193024Table 4-9Signature ID Values for PP#10Signature Name Pando KuGoo ICQ Voice Fring3.0.6 Protocol Pack #10 Signature ID 201392141 201392142 201392143 2013921443.1.0 Protocol Pack #10 3.1.1 and Later SignatureSignature IDID2013921351345454082013921361203896322013921378486912020139213885000192Table 4-10Signature ID Values for PP#11Signature Name MyJabber BBC iPlayer WebThunder Winny Encrypted3.0.6 Protocol Pack 3.1.0 Protocol Pack 3.1.1 and Later #11 Signature ID #11 Signature ID Signature ID2013921452013921392013921302013921462013921402013921312013921472013921412013921322013921293.1.5 and Later Signature ID 185204736 120520704 120455168 117703424Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide4-7IntroductionChapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 4-11Signature ID Values for PP#12Signature Name3.1.5 Protocol Pack 3.0.6 Protocol Pack 3.1.0 Protocol Pack 3.1.1 Protocol Pack #12 and Later #12 Signature ID #12 Signature ID #12 Signature ID Signature IDDeluge BitTorrent 201392148201392143201392131118097408BBBroadcast201392149201392142201392130120586240PacketiX201392150201392144201392132120651776Second Life201392152201392146201392146185270272Vivox20139215320139214720139214785065728Table 4-12Signature ID Values for PP#13Signature Name3.1.5 Protocol Pack 3.0.6 Protocol Pack 3.1.0 Protocol Pack 3.1.1 Protocol Pack #13 and Later #13 Signature ID #13 Signature ID #13 Signature ID Signature IDBehavioral VoIP 20139215420139214820139214884934656Behavioral RTP 20139215520139214920139214984934912Behavioral Skype 201392156 VoIP20139215020139215084935168Behavioral SkypeIN20139215720139215120139215184935424Behavioral SkypeOUT20139215820139215220139215284935680Angle Media201392159201392153201392153120717312SopCast201392160201392154201392154120782848Pptp201392161201392155201392155101122048Tor201392162201392156201392156120848384Tor Over HTTP ------120848640Tor Over------120848896HTTP--Unidirectional ClientRequestTable 4-13Signature ID Values for PP#14Signature Name BabelGum RTMP Hulu Ventrilo3.1.5 and Above 3.0.6 Protocol Pack 3.1.0 Protocol Pack 3.1.1 Protocol Pack Protocol Pack #14 #14 Signature ID #14 Signature ID #14 Signature ID Signature ID20139216320139215720139215721810380820139216420139215820139215821816934420139216520139215920139215921823488020139216620139216020139216085131264Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide4-8Chapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 4-13Signature ID Values for PP#14 (continued)Signature Name TeamSpeak BBC IPlayer over RTMP3.1.5 and Above 3.0.6 Protocol Pack 3.1.0 Protocol Pack 3.1.1 Protocol Pack Protocol Pack #14 #14 Signature ID #14 Signature ID #14 Signature ID Signature ID20139216720139216120139216185196800201392168201392162201392162120521984Table 4-14Signature ID Values for PP#15Signature Name TVUPlayer PPFilm ABC iView Naver Phone NateOn GMail3.0.6 Protocol Pack #15 Signature ID 201392169 201392171 201392174 201392176 201392178 2013921803.1.1 Protocol Pack #15 Signature ID 201392163 201392168 201392174 201392176 201392180 2013921663.1.5 and Above Protocol Pack #15 Signature ID 134610944 134676480 218235136 185335808 185401344 67567616Table 4-15Signature ID Values for PP#16Signature Name NNTP Download Telepresence HyppTV Vagaa3.1.1 Protocol Pack #16 Signature ID Not supported 201392184 201392188 Not supported3.1.5/3.1.6/3.1.6S/3.1.7 Protocol Pack #16 Signature IDNot supported853934082183004161209139203.5.0 Protocol Pack #16 Signature ID 67174656 85393408 218300416 120913920Table 4-16Signature ID Values for PP#17Signature Name YouTube HD YouTube Normal Yahoo General Login3.1.6/3.1.6S/3.1.7/3.5.0 Protocol Pack #17 Signature ID 50403072 50403584 184683264Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide4-9IntroductionChapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 4-17Signature ID Values for PP#18Signature Name3.1.7/3.5.0/3.5.5 Protocol Pack #18 Signature IDQuake3 Gaming Server268566528Truphone over SIP85458944Maple Story Data268501248Maple Story Data - Unidirectional Server Response268501504Maple Story Control268501760Maple Story Control - Unidirectional Server Response268502016IPSec over tcp167903744Encapsulated ESP167904000isakmp167903488Flash YouTube HQ50404096Flash YouTube HQ Unidirectional Client Request 50404352Internet Video Youtube RTMP218365952Fileguri over HTTP120979712Fileguri over HTTP - Unidirectional Client Request120979968Fileguri HTTP Like over UDP120980224TomatoPang over TCP121045248TomatoPang over TCP - Unidirectional Client Request121045504Songsari over HTTP121110784Songsari over HTTP - Unidirectional Client Request121111040Songsari over TCP121111296Songsari over TCP - Unidirectional Server Response121111552Songsari over UDP121111808Table 4-18Signature ID Values for PP#19Signature name3.1.7/3.5.0/3.5.5 Protocol Pack #19 Signature IDGoogle Voice over HTTPS85524480BitTorrent File Transfer DNA118099200BitTorrent Networking DNA118098688BitTorrent Networking DNA - Uni Client Request 118098944BitTorrent File Transfer DNA - Uni Client Request 118099456Steam Downlaod2686361604-10Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 4-18Signature ID Values for PP#19 (continued)Steam Friends268640256Certificate-Based OpenVPN over TCP167969280Certificate-Based OpenVPN over UDP167969024Credentials-Based OpenVPN over UDP167969536Credentials-Based OpenVPN over TCP167969792PSK-Based OpenVPN over TCP167970048PSK-Based OpenVPN over UDP167970304Lottofile over TCP121176320Lottofile over TCP - Unidirectional Client Request 121176576Monkey3 over TCP121241856Monkey3 over TCP - Unidirectional Client Request 121242112SSL167837696SSL Aged Flow Continuation167837952IntroductionTable 4-19Signature ID Values for PP#20Signature name3.1.7/3.5.0/3.5.5 Protocol Pack #19 Signature IDCitrix over TCP285278720Citrix over TCP - Unidirectional Client Request 285278464Einy SSL121307392Google Talk Voice RTP185075712LapLink over SSL285344512LapLink over TCP285344000LapLink over TCP - Unidirectional Client Request 285344256RTMPE218170112StreetFighterIV268697600Table 4-20Signature ID Values for PP#21Signature name ICICI over SSL Etrade over SSL India Infoline over SSL SMTP TLS SkeedReceiver over TCP UGLive2 RayV WebEx over SSL3.1.7/3.5.5/3.6.0 Protocol Pack #21 Signature ID 302055680 302055936 302056192 67372032 121438464 121504000 218431744 85590272Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide4-11IntroductionChapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 4-20Signature ID Values for PP#21 (continued)MS Exchange Data Traffic67633408MS Exchange Control Traffic67633664Windows Update over SSL101187840Windows Update over HTTP (V3.1.7 only)101188096Windows Update over HTTP - Uni Client Request 101188352 (V3.1.7 only)Table 4-21Signature ID Values for PP#22Signature name3.1.7/3.5.5/3.6.0/3.6.1 Protocol Pack #22 Signature IDNewcamd over TCP218497024CCcam over TCP218562560GBox over TCP218628096Dial070 over TCP85656064Dial070 over TCP - Unidirectional Client Request 85656320Dial070 login over TCP85656576Dial070 login over TCP - Unidirectional Client 85656832 RequestDial070 over UDP85655808Skype Chat-Voip-Ft84411904ooVoo Networking185467136ooVoo Voice185467392ooVoo Chat for split Initiator185467648ooVoo Chat185467904ActiveSync Gmail101253120JaJah YahooPhoneOut84607744xbox Call Of Duty268763136Table 4-22Signature ID Values for PP#23Signature name Wow-Gaming uucall-login uucall-voice Net2Phone Voice Net2Phone Voice - Unidirectional Client Request Net2Phone Networking Net2Phone Networking - Unidirectional Client Request3.5.5/3.6.0/3.6.1 Protocol Pack #23 Signature ID 268828672 85721344 85721600 85786880 85787136 85787392 857876484-12Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 4-22Signature ID Values for PP#23 (continued)Signature name Headcall Voice Headcall Voice - Unidirectional Client Request Netflix-Networking Ustream CCTV_Video_Stream_UDP SVTPlay Pandora Pandora Audio Generic P2PSuspected3.5.5/3.6.0/3.6.1 Protocol Pack #23 Signature ID 85852416 85852672 218759168 218693632 218759424 218824704 251789312 251789568 118099712Table 4-23Signature ID Values for PP#24Signature name Daum-login FunshionTCP Buffering FunshionTCP Buffering - Unidirectional Client Request FunshionUDP Playing FunshionUDP Playing - Unidirectional Client Request Gadu-login-chat Gadu-FT Gadu-Radio Viber ControlFlow Over TCP Viber ControlFlow Over TCP - Unidirectional Client Request Viber DataFlow Over UDP Yahoo Messenger VoIP_JaJah Call Setup Yahoo VoIP UDP JaJah YahooPhoneOut UDP Skype-VoIP-Mobile-To-PC Gmail Video TCP Gmail Video UDP Gmail Video SSL Gmail VOIP TCP Gmail VOIP SSL Temp Gmail Video TCP3.5.5/3.6.1/3.6.5 Protocol Pack #24 Signature ID 67698944 218890240 218890496218890752 218891008185532672 185532928 185533184 85917952 8591820885918464 84608512 84609536 84608768 84412160 85525504 85525760 85526016 85526272 85526528 85524992Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide4-13IntroductionChapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 4-23Signature ID Values for PP#24 (continued)Signature name Temp Gmail Video SSL Alicall over UDP Alicall over TCP Alicall Callback Alicall Control(TCP/UDP call) SSH over TCP3.5.5/3.6.1/3.6.5 Protocol Pack #24 Signature ID 85525248 101711872 101712128 101712640 101712896 168034560Table 4-24Signature ID values for PP#25Signature name Facebook Video Record Google Call Phone UDP Google Call Phone TCP Google Call Phone SSL Youku Video Streaming Youku Video Streaming-Unidirectional Client Request Tango Video Calls Data Flow Tango Video Calls control Flow Viber ControlFlow Over TCP JustVoIP PC TO PC UDP Skype Video Alicall over UDP Alicall Login Alicall Callback Alicall Control(TCP/UDP call) MyPeople Voice Over SIP MyPeople Video Call Shareman-download NexTV over TCP NexTV over UDP Netflix Movie Data Netflix Movie Data-Unidirectional Client Request Starcraft2-Login-TCP flow Starcraft2-Multiplayer Gaming-UDP flow Rift_Tcp flow3.5.5/3.6.5/3.6.6 Protocol Pack #25 Signature ID 218955776 85526784 85527040 85527296 50404608 5040486485983488 85983232 85917952 86114304 84412416 86245376 86245632 86245888 86246144 86179840 86180096 118226944 219021312 219021568 218759680 218759936268894208 268894464 2690252804-14Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 4-24Signature ID values for PP#25 (continued)Signature name Minecraft-Login-SSL flow Minecraft-Gameplay-TCP flow UUSee TCP UUSee UDP3.5.5/3.6.5/3.6.6 Protocol Pack #25 Signature ID 268960000 268960256 121569536 121569792Table 4-25Signature ID values for PP#26Signature name WhatsApp Message flow WhatsApp Data Transfer WhatsApp jabber flow SpiralKnights TCP-control flow SpiralKnights UDP-Game flow gPlex Data Flow-UDP gPlex Control Flow-UDP TeamViewer TCP TeamViewer UDP Dropbox upload/download Olive Phone over TCP Olive Phone over UDP MagicJack login SSL MagicJack call iTel dataflow udp iTel control flow udp3.6.1/3.6.6/3.7.0 Protocol Pack #26 Signature ID 185598720 185598208 185598464 269091072 269091328 86311168 86311424 285409536 285409792 134742016 185599232 185599488 86376704 86376960 86442240 86442496Table 4-26Signature ID values for PP#27Signature nameApple iMessage text Apple iMessage Image and Video ChampionsOnlineTCP COD BlackOps TCP COD BlackOps UDP Facetime Data Flow UDP Generic-IPV6 Generic-IPV6-Non Established3.6.5/3.7.0/3.7.1/3.7.2 Protocol Pack #27 Signature ID 187695360 187695616 269156608 269287680 269287936 86507776 16973824 16974592Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide4-15IntroductionChapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 4-26Signature ID values for PP#27 (continued)Nimbuzz over Jabber186646784Nimbuzz over Jabber-Unidirectional Client Request186647040Nimbuzz over RTP186647296ooVoo Voice SSL185468160ooVoo IM185468416Qvod over TCP219087104Qvod over UDP219087360Qvod over HTTP219087872Qvod over http split initiator219087616Spotify Networking121372928Spotify Music P2P121373440Spotify Networking-Unidirectional Client Request 121373184Spotify Music P2P-Unidirectional Client Request 121373696TeamForstress2 TCP269353216TeamFortress2 UDP269353472TELNET SPLIT INITIATOR101319168TELNET SPLIT INITIATE101319242Warcraft3_Login269222144Warcraft3_Tcp269222400Table 4-27Signature ID values for PP#28Signature nameHyves Desktop Chat Hyves Desktop Chat - Unidirectional Client Request SDGCFighterTCP SDGCFighterUDP SuspectedRTMPE LotusDominoTCP Skype-IM3.6.5/3.7.0/3.7.1/3.7.2/3.7.5 Protocol Pack #28 Signature ID 188743680 188743936269418752 269419008 218170368 68157696 84412672Table 4-28Signature ID values for PP#29Signature nameAmazonCloud3.7.0/3.7.1/3.7.2/3.7.5 Protocol Pack #29 Signature ID2519203844-16Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 4-28Signature ID values for PP#29 (continued)AmazonCloud Drive AmazonCloud Player AndroidMarketDataFlow icloud JabberSSL LoveFilm Mumble Chat Mumble Voice Teredo Generic251920640 251920896 134807808 251854848 185008640 50405376 86573312 86573568 16909056IntroductionTable 4-29Signature ID values for PP#30Signature Name Download Download-Unidirectional Client Request BBC iplayer WatchLive over RTMP BBC iplayer ListenLive over RTMP Dropbox signature eBuddy XMS Gadu Gadu Login New Gadu Gadu Chat-Photo-FT New GoogleGoggles GoogleDrive LINE SIP LINE SSL Opera Mobile signature SpeedyShare-Download3.7.0/3.7.1/3.7.2/3.7.5 Protocol Pack #30 Signature ID 134284544 134284800 120522240 120522496 134742016 189792512 185533440 185533696 50409472 251985920 2265129760 2265129060 50413568 1346392352Table 4-30Signature ID Values for PP#31Signature name DailyMotionWebcamUpload Daum MyPeople Voice Facebook Messenger Chat Instagram Login or Share3.7.0/3.7.1/3.7.2/3.7.5 Protocol Pack #31 Signature ID 219152640 87097600 87036160 121635072Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide4-17IntroductionChapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 4-30Signature ID Values for PP#31 (continued)Signature name Kakao Chat Kakao Ring Kakao Call LogMeInIgnition NateonTalkcall NateonTalkSSL NateonTalkFileTransfer Origin Login Origin Chat saavn SkyDrive SkyDriveNetDnld Soundcloud_HTTPS UbuntuoneLogin UbuntuoneFT UbuntuoneStreaming VopiumSSL Vopium_WebIM_Call Vopium_Call3.7.0/3.7.1/3.7.2/3.7.5 Protocol Pack #31 Signature ID 88080640 88080896 88081152 285474816 87040000 87040256 87040512 269484288 269484800 190841088 252051712 252051968 50417920 191889664 191889920 191890176 89128960 89194496 89260032Table 4-31Signature ID Values for PP#32Signature name BOX GameCenter GuildWars2_TCP Kindle Download TuMe_UDP TuMe_SSL TextPlusInternational_SSL Tuenti TuentiVideoChat Yahoo Voice and Video VNC Viewer3.7.1/3.7.2/3.7.5/3.8.0 Protocol Pack #32 Signature ID 50426112 50422016 269549824 134873344 87044352 87044608 192938240 50429952 50430208 84609792 2855403524-18Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 4-32Signature ID Values for PP#33Signature name Adobe Reader Cloud Bebo ChatON CloudME eBay Facebook Over HTTPS FourSquare GroupMe Google Maps Google Talk SSL PutIo RapidShare Watchitoo WazeGPS WeChat3.7.2/3.8.0/3.8.5 Protocol Pack #33 Signature ID 252182784, 252183040 50860032, 50860288, 50860544 193986816 252055808 302317824 252117248 252313856, 252314112 195035648 190844928 185075968 252248320 252379392 219349248 50434304 87048448, 87048704Table 4-33Signature ID Values for PP#34Signature name Carbonite Cubby Facebook HTTP Hootsuite Hotspot Shield JustcloudMEGA Metacafe Snapchat Socialcam Talkray Twitter3.7.2/3.8.0/3.8.5 Protocol Pack #34 Signature ID 285737216 193990912 252117504 252444928 168038656, 168038912 252383488, 252384000, 252384256, 252384512 121639168 219218176 195039488 219283712 86049024, 86049280 252510464Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide4-19IntroductionChapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 4-34Signature ID Values for PP#35Signature name Bump Comm HTTP POST Gmail Video Icq Voice Iperf LinkedIn MailruMediaFire Qik QQQvod Remote Desktop Connection Shoutcast TangoUltrasurf Vk3.7.2/3.8.0/3.8.5/4.0.0 Protocol Pack #35 Signature ID 121647360 87056640, 87056896 50438144 85526544 184879616 285802752, 285803008 252576000 87060992, 87061504, 87060736,87061248 252641280, 252641536 87052544, 87052800, 87053056 184745984, 184746240, 184747008,184747776 219087104, 219087872, 219088128 286261504 121643264 85983232, 85983488, 85983744, 85984000 121651456 252707072Table 4-35Signature ID Values for PP#36Signature name Crashplan Facebook voip iFone Platinum iMessage LineVoip Megacloud Mozy Nimbuzz NymGo Tor obfuscation Satellite Direct3.7.2/3.8.0/3.8.5/4.0.0 Protocol Pack #36 Signature ID 254804224 87036416 87068928, 87069184 187695872 87032576 253755648 50864384 186647296 87064832 120849152 2195458564-20Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 4-35Signature ID Values for PP#36 (continued)Signature name TotalMovie Vimeo3.7.2/3.8.0/3.8.5/4.0.0 Protocol Pack #36 Signature ID219480320, 219480576219414784Table 4-36Signature ID Values for PP#37Signature name BitLord torrent client CinepolisKlic Dailymotion Dial91 GoogleMaps Line Voice Lovefilm Mailru NowTV Onlive QQ_Android StromMedia Viber Yandex.disk3.7.2/3.8.0/3.8.5/4.0.0 Protocol Pack #37 Signature ID 118096384, 118096896 219742464, 219742720 219676928 219152896 87073024 190845184 87032576 50405376 87060992, 87060736, 87061248 219611648 269615360, 269615616 184748544, 184748800 121655552, 121655808 85918464 255852800, 255853056Table 4-37Signature ID Values for PP#38Signature name ARD Mediathek BitTorrent Sync BR Mediathek BT Sport ChatON Crackle Eyebeam3.7.2/3.8.5/4.0.0 Protocol Pack #38 Signature ID 220332288 118099968 220397824 220463360 193986816 220266752 87077120Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide4-21IntroductionChapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 4-37Signature ID Values for PP#38 (continued)Signature name Google HangoutHike Instagram Video MessageMe OpenDrive RTL Now Skype SpiderOak Hive Viddy WhatsApp3.7.2/3.8.5/4.0.0 Protocol Pack #38 Signature ID 85525760, 85526016, 85526528, 85526544, 185075456 195100928 121635328, 121635584 195043600 255918336 220201216 84412160 252772608 219349504 185598208, 185598720Table 4-38Signature ID Values for PP#39Signature name AkamaiFinal Fantasy Fring Fring VOIP Imgur Keek Knight Online League of Legends Line Camera SilkRoad (Game) SPDY TuneIn Radio Ubisoft Uplay Viber Wetransfer Xbox One Yahoo Screen3.7.2/3.8.5/4.0.0/4.1.0 Protocol Pack #39 Signature ID 255983872 134938880, 134939136, 134939392 269680896, 269681152 85000192 85000448 252903680 256049408 269943040 269877504, 269877760 87032832 269746432 167838208 220594432 269811968 85918720 252838144 268763392, 268763648 2205288964-22Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 4-39Signature ID Values for PP#40Signature name AppleMaps BitCoin Bitmessage Dota2 DroidVPN GoogleEarthSSL NDRMediathek SAT1 SinaWeibo SpeedTest TeamViewer TencentWeibo Tivibu Tor TTNET Muzik TunnelBear Viber Wuakitv Youtube ZDF Mediathek4.0.0/4.1.0 Protocol Pack #40 Signature ID 50868224 121659648 195166464 270008576 168046848, 168047104 251724544 220733696, 220733952 220790784 220664064 220667904 50872576, 50872832, 55067392, 55067648 285409536, 285409792 285806592 220659712 120848384 252969216 168042752, 168043008, 168043264 85918976 220598272 50403072, 50403584, 50404096, 50404352 253034752Table 4-40Signature ID Values for PP#41Signature name ArteMediathek Candy Crush Saga Deezer GooglePlayMovies iOS OTA Update iTunes Radio Microsoft OneDrive Pandora Audio, Pandora_SSL, Pandora4.0.0/4.1.0 Protocol Pack #41 Signature ID 253100288 220856576 270012672 -- -- -- 134285056 220734208 252051712 251789568, 251789824, 251789312Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide4-23IntroductionChapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 4-40Signature ID Values for PP#41 (continued)Signature name Play Station4 Starcraft2 Supercell-Clash of Clans Titan-Fall Windows Store Windows Update Xbox_Video/Browsing YouTube HTTPS4.0.0/4.1.0 Protocol Pack #41 Signature ID 270074112 268894208, 268894464, 268894720 270020608, 270020864 270016768 134942976, 134943232 101187840 220672256, 220672512, 220672768, 220673024 221249536, 50372608, 50372864Table 4-41Signature ID Values for PP#42Signature name Carousel FacebookVoip FoxTube Flash YouTube (YouTube Audio) Google search iQIYI- TV Box App1ication iTube Line File Transfer Line Voice Mac MacOsUpdate My_Com-MyMail NBColympics Netflix Prosieben Snapchat Tor Tudou Twitch tvUltrasurf Viber4.0.0/4.1.0 Protocol Pack #42 Signature ID NA 87036416 220987648 221249792 256180480, 256180736 221319424, 221319680, 221319936 221184256 87033088 87032576 134947072 134947328 67830272, 67830016 221118720, 256114688 218759168, 218759680,218759936, 2187560192 220922112, 220922368 195039744 120848384, 120849152 221053184, 221053440, 221053696, 221053952 256184320,256184576,221323520, 256188416, 221327616 121651712, 121651968, 121652224 85919232, 85923328, 85919488, 85923584, 859197444-24Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 4-41Signature ID Values for PP#42 (continued)Signature name Windows Update Zenmate4.0.0/4.1.0 Protocol Pack #42 Signature ID 101187840, 101188096 168050944Table 4-42Signature ID Values for PP#43Signature name AmazonInstantVideo Facebook Slingshot Google Plus Hike Messengerq iQIYI TVITV Player Joyn LeTV LINE mychat PPStv (PPStream) Proxpn VPN Sohu TV Tencent Weibo Togic TV TunnelBear Twitter UNBLOCKUS VGTV and VGDirekteViber Message Watchever ZONA4.0.0/4.1.0/4.2.0/5.0.0 Protocol Pack #43 Signature ID221335808 , 221336064 195235840 256200704 195100928 221319424, 221319680, 221319936, 221320192, 221320448, 221320704, 221320960 221356288, 221356544, 221356800, 221357056 87081216, 87081472 221331712, 221331968 87032064, 87032570, 356 195232000,195232256, 87061504 118821120 168055040 221339904, 221340160 285806848NANA 252510464 168058880 25619512, 221344000, 256192768, 221348096, 256196864 85920000, 85921792, 85922048 221352192 121663744Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide4-25IntroductionChapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 4-43Signature ID Values for PP#44Signature name ACEStream Amazon Appstore AmazonAppDownload Baidu Appstore Baidu Cbox Facebook_SPDY Getflix Google_SPDYKakao Talk Kakao Talk Message Count Line Message Count MediaHint Proxy-based OpenVPN SCTP Protocol SkyStore UK Tencent App Gem Twitter_SPDY Wandoujia Appstore Wandoujia Wechat Message Count Xunlei Kankan Windows Store AppDownload4.0.0/4.1.0/4.2.0/5.0.0 Protocol Pack #44 Signature ID 118104064 134873856 134873600 134959616 134959872, 134960128, 134960384 218760448 87036672, 252117760, 255984128 168063232 251724800, 134808576, 256180992, 221315072, 50373120, 50373376, 256201216, 256201472, 67568384, 251986176 88081408, 88081664 88081920, 88082176, 88082432 87033344, 87033600, 87033856 168067328 167970560 17039360 221360384, 221360640 134955264, 134955520 252510720 134951424 134951680, 134951936, 134952192 87048960, 87049216, 87049472 121667840, 121668096 134943488, 134943744Table 4-44Signature ID Values for PP#45Signature name AdobeCloud Amazon Instant Video Apple IMessage ESPN Streaming HBO Streaming Hike Message Counting4.0.0/4.1.0 Protocol Pack #45 Signature ID 252183040, 252183000 NA 187695616 221368320, 221368576, 221368832 221364224, 221364480, 221364736 195101184, 195101440, 195101696, 1951019524-26Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 4-44Signature ID Values for PP#45 (continued)Signature name iheart Radio iMessage count IPSEC iTunes Radio KSVOD4TV Rdio Slacker Radio Sound Cloud SPDY Spotify Tango Message count WhatsApp Message Count4.0.0/4.1.0 Protocol Pack #45 Signature ID 256,212,992,256,213,000,000,000,000 NA 167903488 134285312 NA 256209152, 256208896 256204800, 256205056 50417920, 50418170 167838208 121373952, 121374208, 121374464 85985024, 85984256, 85984512, 85984768 185598720Table 4-45Signature ID Values for PP#46Signature name AccuRadio Blackplanet Crypto Fun Call Grooveshark Int call MaskMyNumber Radio Paradise Rhapsody Songza Tracebust Windows Mobile software update4.0.0/4.1.0 Protocol Pack #45 Signature ID 256237568, 256237824 256229376 86118400, 86122496 87089152,87089407,87089664,87089920 256221184 87089152,87089407,87089664,87089920 256241920 256233472, 256233728 256225536,256225000 256217088, 256217344, 256217600 87085312 101388288Table 4-46Signature ID Values for PP#47Signature name Facebook Lite Hotmail(Outlook) Meerkatapp More TVProtocol Pack #47 Signature ID 87036928 67838208 221376512 221372416Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide4-27IntroductionChapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 4-46Signature ID Values for PP#47 (continued)Signature name Skype SSTP Twitter Viber EncryptedWanhuatong Webrtc-Firefox Hello WhatsAppYahoo MailProtocol Pack #47 Signature ID 84414464 87093248 252510976 85922304 85922560 NA 87162880, 87163392, 87163136 185603328 185603584 67834368Table 4-47Signature ID Values for PP#48Signature name Bleep by Bittorrent Facebook Messenger Line Periscope QUIC SMPP Snapchat Tinder YikyakProtocol Pack #48 Signature ID 195239936, 195240192 87036160 87032064,87033088,87032576,87032832 221380608, 221380000 256181248 87228672 195039744, 195040000 252514304 256245760Table 4-48Signature ID Values for PP#49Signature name Dubsmash Live Stream Oupeng Slack ViberVine XBOX_ONE Yahoo LivetextProtocol Pack #49 Signature ID 221446144 221389056 50414080,50413824 195244032 85919232,85923328,85919488, 85923584 & 85919744 221384960 268763392, 268763648 87294208, 872944644-28Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 4-49Signature ID Values for PP#50Signature name BurnNote Jott Messenger Linphone Popcornflix Showmax Textsecure Uber UpptalkYelpProtocol Pack #50 Signature ID 195256576 195260416 87359488, 87359744 NA 221392896 195248128, 195248384, 195248640 256311296 195252224, 195252736, 195252992, 195253248, 195252480 134963456, 134963000Table 4-50Signature ID Values for PP#51Signature name BubblyFrilp HALO5 Kik Messenger Meetup Mindset Tinychat Twitter WhatsappProtocol Pack #51 Signature ID 256249856, 256250112 256253952 270077952, 27007800 195264768 195297280 256258048 195268864, 195268608 252510464 185598208 185598464 185598720 185599232 185599488Table 4-51Signature ID Values for PP#52Signature name Aptoide Bitcomet DropboxProtocol Pack #52 Signature ID 134967552 118108160 134742016Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide4-29IntroductionChapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialTable 4-51Signature ID Values for PP#52Signature name MT4 Netflix Smule Tapatalk WhatsappProtocol Pack #52 Signature ID 256262144 270082048 218759168 256266240 256270336 185598720,185598976Table 4-52Signature ID Values for PP#53Signature Name Amazon Appstore Aptoide Appcount Clash of Clans Google Drive Google Generic apis Google Generic clients_google Google Generic gstatic Google Generic mtalk Google Generic usercontent Google Hangouts VoipIMO Quic True CallerProtocol Pack #53 Signature ID 134873856 134967808, 134968064 270020864, 270020000 251985920 67842816 67843328 67842560 67842048, 67842304 67843072 85525248, 85525760, 85526016, 85526528, 85526544, 185075456, 185073920, 87367680, 87367936 87363840, 87363584 256181248 256274432Table 4-53Signature ID Values for PP#54Signature Name Google Generic accounts Google Photos Quora SpotifyProtocol Pack #54 Signature ID 67843584 67846144 256282624 121372928,256278528,121373440, 121373184,1213736964-30Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco ConfidentialIntroductionTable 4-53Signature ID Values for PP#54Signature Name ThreemaUntappd ViberWickr YoutubeProtocol Pack #54 Signature ID 195305472 195305728 195305984 256278528 85917952,85918208 85918464,85918720 85918976 195301376 50403072, 50403584, 50404096, 50404352Table 4-54Signature ID Values for PP#55Signature Name DailyMotionGlobo GooglePlayMusic STAN Waze WikipediaProtocol Pack #55 Signature ID 219152896 219153152 50380800 121671936 221396992 50434304 256286720Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide4-31IntroductionChapter 4 Protocol SignaturesReview Draft - Cisco Confidential4-32Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide5 C H A P T E RGeneral InformationIntroductionNote This section is aligned with Protocol Pack #14 and later. In previous Protocol Packs, the classification methods might be different.HTTP Download - URL-based SignaturesFor URL-based HTTP protocol signatures (Video / Audio / Binary over HTTP), the following file extension conditions are looked up in the HTTP request URL header: · VIDEO_OVER_HTTP file extensions:asfv1, asf, wmv, wvx, avi, mov, asx, mp4, mpg, mpeg, qt, rm, rv, ogm, mkv, m4v, mvb, div, divx, 3gp, 3g2. · AUDIO_OVER_HTTP file extensions: aac, aa3, aif, aiff, ape, mpa, m4a, m4b, m4p, midi, mid, mp3, ogg, oma, omg, ra, spx, wav, wma, ram, wax. · BINARY_OVER_HTTP file extensions: zip, iso, rar, gz, pkg, pps, ppt, doc, exe.Flash-based SignaturesThe following information describes the classification conditions for HTTP Flash-based signatures. Flash: · HTTP URL field: ".swf", ".flv" extension or "/get_video", "/videoplayblack", or "/generate" prefixUpon Flash signature detection, the following additional signatures are checked in order to get a more granular classification. Flash YouTube: · Host field: "youtube" or "" or "" suffix · Referrer field: ""suffixCisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide5-131SMSChapter 5 General Information· Request Line URL field: ""suffixFlash MySpace: · Host field: "" suffixFlash Yahoo: · Host field: "" suffix31SMSIn Protocol Pack #26, classification of network-side SMS retrieval traffic is not supported. But when you apply a block policy, the functionality of the 31SMS application is blocked.Skype Signatures and Support MatrixProtocol packs prior to PP #22 did not provide effective and reliable classification of Skype TCP. A tunable (GT_PL_BLOCK_SKYPE_ALL_FEATURES) was introduced in PP #22 that allows you to control Skype protocol classification. This mechanism is based on the following two concepts:· Blocking Skype UDP: The tunable mechanism applies only to Skype TCP. Skype communication changes to TCP when Skype UDP is fully blocked by a device such as the SCE platform.· Limiting Skype bandwidth: The system does not discriminate between different Skype flavors, such as IM, VoIP and FT. However, by limiting the total Skype bandwidth, VoIP and FT are effectively blocked, whereas IM gets through since it requires very little bandwidth.The following section is applicable to Releases Protocol Pack #22 to Protocol Pack #27.Note Skype IN and Skype OUT signatures, which point to the Skype PC to MOBILE calls IN and OUT respectively, have not been updated in recent protocol packs. Therefore, this may not work for newer versions of Skype.Note When GT_PL_BLOCK_SKYPE_ALL_FEATURES is set to TRUE, there is no subservice classification (such as VoIP or FT) available under Skype services. All TCP Skype traffic is classified to the specific signature called "skype_chat_ft_voip'" under the service called "Other Skype".To set the tunable, use the following CLI command sequence:enable 15 config interface LineCard 0 tunable GT_PL_BLOCK_SKYPE_ALL_FEATURES value TRUE endTo keep the tunable set to TRUE across reboot, use following command.copy running-config startup-configCisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide5-2Chapter 5 General InformationSkype Signatures and Support MatrixThe following table summarizes the results of setting this tunable when PP #22 is installed.Classification Block ActionRate limitingtunable set to TRUEtunable set to FALSE (default)Accurate granular classification of each of theAccurate granular classification of each of theSkype services is lost, since all Skype services will Skype protocol suite (VoIP, FT). Skype Video willbe classified as classified as VoIP.A blocking policy can be set to force Skype to move to TCP communication, which can be effectively blocked for the whole protocol suite (VoIP, FT and IM) without dedicated classification.Blocking is not effective.Skype can be rate limited for the whole protocol suite (recommended limit is 5Kbps). Since IM requires only a small bandwidth, it will get through, while Voice and FT will suffer from extreme jitter and disconnections.Effective only for Skype over UDP. Set rates as follows: · 5 Kbps for Skype FT. · 3 Kbps for Skype VoIP.Rate limiting of Skype VoIP and FT for Skype over TCP is not effective.The following section is applicable to Releases PP #28 and later.Table 5-1Skype Support Matrix for Service/TCP (PP #28 Onwards)Service/TCPIM FT(PC-PC) Voice(PC-PC) Voice(PC-Mobile) Voice(PC-Non-Skype Mobile) Voice(PC-Non-Skype Landline) Video(PC-Mobile) Video(PC-PC)Classification Rate limiting as a means for blockSupported Not Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported SupportedNote Skype Support Matrix for Service/UDP (PP #28 Onwards) is detailed in the below table.Table 5-2Skype Support Matrix for Service/UDP (PP #28 Onwards)Service/TCPIMIM(Mobile-Mobile) FT(PC-PC)Classification Rate limiting as a means for blockNot available (seeing only TCP traffic for IM)Supported Not SupportedSupported SupportedCisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide5-3Viber Unidirectional Flow ClassificationChapter 5 General InformationTable 5-2Skype Support Matrix for Service/UDP (PP #28 Onwards)FT(Mobile-Mobile Voice(PC-PC) Voice(PC-Mobile) Voice(PC-Non-Skype Mobile) Voice(PC-Non-Skype Landline) Voice(Mobile-Mobile) Video(PC-Mobile) Video(PC-PC) Video(Mobile-Mobile)Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported SupportedSupported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported· Skype Sub service Classification accuracy is at 80%.· SSL and HTTP Skype flows are not supported.· Blocking of Skype: Configuration guideline.To make FT, Voice and Video Skype services as unusable, do the following: Set the tunable GT_PL_BLOCK_SKYPE_ALL_FEATURES to TRUE. Set the tunable RST_OTHER_SKYPE_FLOWS_FROM_SUBSCRIBER to TRUE.When GT_PL_BLOCK_SKYPE_ALL_FEATURES is set to TRUE, there is no subservice classification. From PP #28 onwards, all TCP/UDP Skype traffic is classified to the Skype-IM protocol under the service Other Skype.Applying rate limit to approximately 5 kbps makes all the Skype services unusable. Depending on the network conditions, the rate limit value may be tuned it to a value between 3 and 6 kbps.Starting from PP#34, to allow the Skype IM and make all the other Skype services unusable with 3 kbps rate-limiting, set the value of GT_PL_ALLOWIM_BLOCK_OTHERS and GT_PL_BLOCK_SKYPE_ALL_FEATURES tunables as TRUE.Viber Unidirectional Flow ClassificationNote This feature is applicable only on Cisco SCE 8000.Starting from Protocol Pack #42, you can enable classification of Viber Voip unidirectional flows. To achieve this, enable the tunable GT_PL_VIBERCALL_UNIDIRECTIONAL_FEATURE and set the value of GT_PL_VIBERCALL_NUM_PACKETS_TO_CHECK tunable to 40 or above.Messaging Counting Support for ViberStarting from Protocol Pack #43, SCE supports message counting.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide5-4Chapter 5 General InformationTunable Support for Few Android AppstoreTo achieve this, enable the tunable GT_PL_VIBER_MESSAGE_COUNT_ENABLE and set the value of GT_PL_VIBERMSGCNT_NUM_PACKETS_TO_CHECK tunable to 15 and above. Also, the accuracy for message counting is 80% and above.Tunable Support for Few Android AppstoreStarting from Protocol Pack #44, SCE supports tunable for few Android Appstore. Enable the tunable GT_PL_BWT_APPLICATION_DO_CLASSIFY towards classification and Appstore count for Baidu, TencentGem, and Wandoujia applications.Getflix Application Support for Mobile DevicesGetflix unblocks the blocked websites and it is available in PC (Web Browse), Android and iOS platforms. Starting from Protocol Pack #44, SCE supports Getflix application on mobile devices too. Getflix application must be configured to be enabled on mobile devices. The following configurations are available: · Android-based Configuration · iOS-based ConfigurationAlicall Signatures and Support MatrixAlicall voice traffic can be over TCP or UDP, based on the server selected during initial setup.Signature Name Alicall over UDP Alicall over TCP Alicall CallbackSignature ID 101711872 101712128 101712640Alicall Control (TCP/UDP call)101712896CommentsAlicall voice UDP traffic, from PC to Mobile.Alicall voice TCP traffic, from PC to MobileSignature support for callback feature of Alicall, where Alicall initiates calls for Mobile to Mobile communication.Signature support for Call Control flow during call initiationBlocking AlicallTo block Alicall irrespective of L4 protocol, apply a block policy on the Protocol ID: "Alicall Control (TCP/UDP call)".Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide5-5Gmail Video and VoIP Signatures SupportChapter 5 General InformationGmail Video and VoIP Signatures SupportIn the PP #24 release, only Gmail Video chat was supported. However, because Google is providing voice and video services through Gtalk, Gmail VoIP, and Gmail Video applications, the following information clarifies the support matrix and expected signatures.Gmail Video Signature DetailsGmail Video chatting generates both video and voice traffic.Gmail Video - Video traffic Gmail video traffic is by default UDP based. If UDP is blocked, it moves to TCP based, followed by SSL. Signatures are provided for all three different types of traffic.Gmail Video - Voice traffic Gmail video traffic is by default UDP based. If UDP is blocked, it moves to TCP based, followed by SSL. Signatures are provided for all three different types of traffic. · TCP-based traffic of Gmail Video-Voice and Gmail VoIP are classified to the new signatures GmailVoIP (such as 85526272 and 85526528). · UDP-based traffic of Gmail Video-Voice and Gmail VoIP are classified to existing Gtalk VoIPsignature.Signature Name Gmail Video TCPSignature ID 85525504Gmail Video UDP85525760Gmail Video SSL85526016Gmail VoIP TCP85526272Gmail VoIP SSL85526528Temp Gmail Video TCP 85524992Temp Gmail Video SSL 85525248CommentsThis signature is to support TCP-based video traffic of Gmail Video chat.This signature is to support UDP-based video traffic of Gmail Video chat.This signature is to support SSL-based video traffic of Gmail Video chat.This signature is to support TCP-based voice traffic of Gmail Video chat and Gmail VoIP.This signature is to support SSL-based voice traffic of Gmail Video chat and Gmail VoIP.Temporary signature for early detection of video traffic.Temporary signature for early detection of video traffic.Blocking Gmail VideoTo block Gmail Video UDP traffic, apply a rate limit of 5 Kbps. Other traffic flows can be blocked based on their respective signatures. The following set of tunables that were already in PP #23 for Gtalk classification was not supported in PP #24.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide5-6Chapter 5 General InformationEffective Blocking of Yahoo Messenger VoIP Services· GT_PL_STUN_TOTAL_PACKETS_SKIPPED · GT_PL_STUN_NUM_PACKETS_AFTER_EACH_SKIP To enable you to control the classification of both Gmail and Gtalk traffic, the following tunables were introduced in PP # 24 instead of the tunables that were supported in PP #23: · GT_PL_STUN_TOTAL_PACKETS_SKIPPED_FOR_GMAIL_GTALK_TCPDefault value set to 1020. · GT_PL_STUN_TOTAL_PACKETS_SKIPPED_FOR_GMAIL_GTALK_UDPDefault value set to 1000. · GT_PL_STUN_NUM_PACKETS_AFTER_EACH_SKIP_FOR_GMAIL_GTALKDefault value set to 10.Tip The tunable GT_PL_STUN_NUM_PACKETS_AFTER_EACH_SKIP_FOR_GMAIL_GTALK should always be greater than 0 to support both Gmail video and VoIP as well as Gtalk applications. When this is set to 0, TCP traffic of Gmail video and VoIP is not classified.Tip The tunable GT_PL_STUN_TOTAL_PACKETS_SKIPPED_FOR_GMAIL_GTALK_TCP should always be multiples of 60 to have a granular classification.To set the tunable, use the following CLI command sequence:SCE>enable 15 SCE#>config SCE(config)#>interface LineCard 0 SCE(config if)#>tunable GT_PL_STUN_TOTAL_PACKETS_SKIPPED_FOR_GMAIL_GTALK_TCP value 1080 SCE(config if)#>endTo keep the tunable same across reboot, use following command.SCE#>copy running-config startup-configEffective Blocking of Yahoo Messenger VoIP ServicesBlocking call setup traffic of Yahoo Messenger triggers more flows and bypasses the blocking. To address this issue, call setup traffic has been separated by the protocol ID "Yahoo Messenger Call Setup" in PP #24. It is recommended not to apply a block policy on this protocol. For effective blocking, apply a block policy on the protocol Yahoo Messenger VoIP and JaJah YahooPhoneOut, while permitting "Yahoo Messenger Call Setup" traffic.MSN VoIP Traffic BlockingStarting with PP #22, MSN VoIP Classification is supported for the latest MSN Messenger (version 14.0 as of PP #22)). MSN VoIP changes to TCP when it is fully blocked by a device such as the SCE platform.Tip To effectively block MSN VoIP traffic, apply rate-limiting at 3 Kbps, upstream and downstream.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide5-7Thunder Service: Blocking Thunder DownloadChapter 5 General InformationThunder Service: Blocking Thunder DownloadYou can block Thunder download traffic by creating a new service and moving the Thunder service elements from the Other P2P service to the new service. You can then block the Thunder service without affecting other P2P protocols. Add the WebThunder signature to the independent Thunder service. To block Thunder download traffic, complete the following steps:Step 1 Create a new service. Give the service a name indicating that this service will be used to block Thunder download. (The name used in the example is `Thunder Only'.)Figure 5-1Creating a ServiceCisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide5-8Chapter 5 General InformationThunder Service: Blocking Thunder DownloadStep 2Remove the following elements from the `Other P2P' service: · Zones: ThunderZone1, ThunderZone2, ThunderZone3, and ThunderZone4 · Flavor: Thunder New Service · Protocol: ThunderFigure 5-2Removing the Thunder Service Elements from Other P2P ServiceStep 3Add the following service elements (which you removed from the `Other P2P' service) to the new service you created:a. Four service elements assigning ThunderZone1, ThunderZone2, ThunderZone3, and ThunderZone4 as the zones.b. A service element assigning 'Thunder New Service' as the Flavor.c. A service element assigning 'Thunder' as the protocol.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide5-9Thunder Service: Blocking Thunder DownloadFigure 5-3Adding a Service Element to the New ServiceChapter 5 General InformationFigure 5-4Thunder Only Service Configuration5-10Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 5 General InformationThunder Service: Blocking Thunder DownloadStep 4 Apply a block policy against the newly created service to block Thunder download traffic.Thunder Service: Blocking WebThunder DownloadYou can block WebThunder download traffic by creating a new service and deleting the WebThunder service element from the Other P2P service. To block WebThunder download traffic, follow these steps:Step 1 Create a new service and enter an appropriate name indicating that this service is used to block WebThunder download.Figure 5-5Creating a WebThunder ServiceCisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide5-11Thunder Service: Blocking Thunder DownloadChapter 5 General InformationStep 2 Click the Other P2P service and from the right pane, remove the protocol named WebThunder.Figure 5-6Removing the WebThunder Service Elements from Other P2P ServiceStep 3 Add WebThunder service element to the new service you created.Figure 5-7Adding a Service Element to WebThunder Service5-12Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 5 General InformationGeneric P2PSuspected (Not supported in release PP #27 and later)Generic P2PSuspected (Not supported in release PP #27 and later)· The Generic P2PSuspected signature is based on the P2P traffic behavior reported by a customer. When an unknown application causes high levels of "Other UDP" traffic in the customer site, we assume that the traffic belongs to a P2P application.· By default, the Generic P2PSuspected signature is under the "Other UDP" service. However, if this traffic is suspected to be P2P traffic, you must bring it under a "P2P" service.· By default, the Generic P2PSuspected signature is turned off. The tunable that can be used to turn it on is GT_PL_GENERIC_P2PSUSPECTED_DO_CLASSIFY.Note GT_PL_GENERIC_P2PSUSPECTED_DO_CLASSIFY code is removed from PP#27 and later and the tunable is removed from 3.8.5 and later.HeadCallClassification of Headcall traffic requires you to set the tunable GT_PL_HEADCALL_DO_CLASSIFY to true. By default, this tunable is set to false. To set the tunable, use the following CLI command sequence:enable 15 config interface LineCard 0 tunable GT_PL_HEADCALL_DO_CLASSIFY value TRUE endTo keep the tunable set to TRUE across reboot, use following command.copy running-config startup-configP2P ThrottlingIf an issue is seen with P2P throttling at desirable bandwidth, configure the following Cisco SCABB advanced configuration settings:Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4From the Service Configuration Editor, choose Configuration > Policies > System Settings....Click Advanced Options tab.Click the Advanced Service Configuration Options... button.In the Bandwidth Management area, change the value of the property Level of BWC enforcement on networking flows on networking flows of P2P and IM applications to SCE to use relevant P2P or IM Service BWCs.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide5-13Popcorn-TimeChapter 5 General InformationPopcorn-TimePopcorn-Time is an application to watch movies streamed over BitTorrent. The application flows of this application is classified as BitTorrent.Behavioral Upload Download Signature UpdatesIn some geographical locations, unknown gaming traffic is identified as Behavioral Upload/Download and in turn to BitTorrent because of the behavior of the user. Behavioral upload/download signatures are updated such a way that unknown gaming traffic will cease to be identified as BitTorrent. By default these signature changes are disabled. To enable these signature changes, configure the following on the line card of the box:SCE2000#> configure SCE2000(config)#> interface LineCard 0 SCE2000(config if)#> tunable GT_PL_BITTORRENT_SKIP_BEHAVIORAL_BT_DO_CLASSIFY value TRUE SCE2000(config if)#> exit SCE2000(config)#> exit SCE2000#> copy running-config-application startup-config-applicationTo revert to the default disabled signature changes, configure the following on the line card of the box:SCE2000#> configure SCE2000(config)#> interface LineCard 0 SCE2000(config if)#> tunable GT_PL_BITTORRENT_SKIP_BEHAVIORAL_BT_DO_CLASSIFY value FALSE SCE2000(config if)#> exit SCE2000(config)#> exit SCE2000#> copy running-config-application startup-config-applicationNote The tunable change will persist through reboots/policy apply/PP upgrades. It does not persist after PQI installation which is used in version upgrade.Service Tree and HTTP BrowsingAs part of the SCOS Release 3.6.5 requirements, the following two services were introduced in SCA BB Release 3.6.5: · ClickStream-New Page · ClickStream-New Site This affects any configuration that refers to the "HTTP Browsing" Protocol ID. As of Release 3.6.5, wherever HTTP Browsing is referred to, you might need to include these two new ClickStream services. For example: · Pre 3.6.5--HTTP Browsing" is the only Protocol ID for Content filtering configuration. · Post 3.6.5--In addition to "HTTP Browsing" Protocol Service, you must include the twoClickStream services for Content filtering configuration.5-14Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 5 General InformationTeredoFor more information, see Release Notes for Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband (SCA BB), Release 3.6.x.TeredoThe global tunable "GT_PL_TUNNELED_IPV6_ENABLED" has to be enabled. By default this tunable is false in sce2000 and true in sce8000.BBC iPlayerTo classify the RTMPT traffic of BBC iPlayer using the BBC iPlayer over RTMP signature, you must set the tunable GT_PL_BBC_RTMPT_DO_CLASSIFY to TRUE. By default, this tunable is set to FALSE.To set the tunable, use the following CLI command sequence:SCE2000#> configure SCE2000(config)#> interface LineCard 0 SCE2000(config if)# tunable GT_PL_BBC_RTMPT_DO_CLASSIFY value TRUE SCE2000(config if)# endTo maintain the tunable value to TRUE across reboots, copy the running configuration to the startup configuration using the copy running-config startup-config command after you set the tunable value to TRUE.There are RTMPT flows that lack deterministic patterns. As a fall-back option, Zone support is included for RTMPT flows. Service element based on zone is added under "BBC Iplayer Streaming" service. A zone called "BBCIplayerZone" with five IP address is available. If you observe more zones, add them under BBCIplayerZone to improve the classification accuracy for RTMPT flows.Figure 5-8Zone Configuration for BBC iPlayerCisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide5-15STUNChapter 5 General InformationSTUNSTUN flows may not be usable if you configure a rate limit of 5 kbps with the default tunable value.YouTube BlockingFrom Release PP31, a separate tunable is available to classify and block YouTube Flash video without impacting the non-YouTube HTTP traffic. You need to configure the tunable GT_PL_MAXIMAL_INSPECTED_HTTP_TRANSACTIONS_PER_FLOW_FOR_YOUTUBE to block YouTube Flash video. The recommended value is 5.To set the value of the tunable to 5, use the following CLI command sequence:SCE2000#>configure SCE2000(config)#>interface LineCard 0 SCE2000(config if)#> tunable GT_PL_MAXIMAL_INSPECTED_HTTP_TRANSACTIONS_PER_FLOW_FOR_YOUTUBE value 5 SCE2000(config if)#> endFlash youtubeThe tunable GT_PL_MAXIMAL_INSPECTED_HTTP_TRANSACTIONS_PER_FLOW_FOR_YOUTUBE is added to define HTTP GET request parameter specifically for youtube. By default tunable value is set to 1 and it shall be set to 5 in case of flash youtube blocking/classification is required.FourSquareThe GT_PL_FOURSQUARE_MAPS_DO_CLASSIFY tunable is added to classify the maps in foursquare application. By default, the value of the tunable is set to FALSE, but to classify the maps in foursquare it should be set to TRUE.SkypeThe GT_PL_ALLOWIM_BLOCK_OTHERS tunable is enabled to allow Skype-IM and make all the other Skype services unusable.SpiderOak HiveThe default aging time for PL_AGING_SPIDEROAKHIVE_PC is 1200. To support the flows with aging time longer than 1200, increase the aging time of tunable PL_AGING_SPIDEROAKHIVE_PC to 11000.5-16Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 5 General InformationTor obfuscation (obfsproxy)Tor obfuscation (obfsproxy)Classification of Tor obfuscation (obfsporxy) traffic requires you to set the tunable GT_PL_TOR_OBFSPROXY_DO_CLASSIFY to true. By default, this tunable is set to false. To set the tunable:SCE#> configure SCE(config)#> interface LineCard 0 SCE(config if)#> tunable GT_PL_TOR_OBFSPROXY_DO_CLASSIFY value TRUE SCE(config if)#> exit SCE(config)#> exitTo keep the tunable set to TRUE across SCE reboot, use following command.SCE#> copy running-config-application startup-config-applicationDailymotionClassification of Dailymotion traffic requires you to set the tunable GT_PL_MAXIMAL_INSPECTED_HTTP_TRANSACTIONS_PER_FLOW_FOR_DAILYMOTION to 2 or 3. By default, this tunable is set to 1. To set the tunable:SCE#> configure SCE(config)#> interface LineCard 0 SCE(config if)#> tunable GT_PL_MAXIMAL_INSPECTED_HTTP_TRANSACTIONS_PER_FLOW_FOR_DAILYMOTION value 2 SCE(config if)#> exit SCE(config)#> exitTo keep the tunable set to a specific value across SCE reboot, use following command.SCE#> copy running-config-application startup-config-applicationTo classify in iOS, set the value of the tunable GT_PL__DO_CLASSIFY to TRUE. By default, the value is FALSE.Ubisoft UplayTo classify Uplay, set the value of the tunable GT_PL_UPLAY_DO_CLASSIFY to TRUE and the value of the global tunable GT_PL_MAXIMAL_INSPECTED_HTTP_TRANSACTIONS_PER_FLOW_FOR_UPLAY to 2. By default, the value of the tunable GT_PL_UPLAY_DO_CLASSIFY is FALSE and the value of the tunable GT_PL_MAXIMAL_INSPECTED_HTTP_TRANSACTIONS_PER_FLOW_FOR_UPLAY is 1.Google Services· For default block and allow Google Services, configure the following Google Zones through Cisco SCA BB:Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide5-17DroidVPNChapter 5 General Information · To classify Google service such as Google maps and Google play, create zones using the URLs listed in the previous bullet point. · When the URLs listed in the previous bullet point are used in Cisco SCA BB, some of the Google Services are classified to Google Zone.DroidVPNTo classify the DroidVPN TCP traffic, set the tunable GT_PL_DROIDVPN_DO_CLASSIFY to TRUE. By default, the value of this tunable is set to false. To set the tunable, use the following CLI command sequence:SCE2000#> configure SCE2000(config)#> interfaceLineCard0 SCE2000(configif)#> tunable GT_PL_DROIDVPN_DO_CLASSIFY value TRUE SCE2000(config if)#> SCE2000(config)#> exitTo keep the tunable set to TRUE across SCE reboot, use the following command:SCE#2000> copy running-config-application startup-config-applicationMethods of Blocking Applicable only to Protocol Pack #36iFone Platinum To block iFone Platinum traffic, both data and control signature should be used together.Nymgo To block Nymgo traffic, use rate-limiting at 3kbps.Methods of Blocking Applicable only to Protocol Pack #37Globo Video Only free videos are supported.5-18Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference GuideChapter 5 General InformationMethods of Blocking (Protocol Pack #38)GoogleMaps To block Nymgo traffic, use rate-limiting at 2kbps.WDR-Mediatheken To block WDR-Mediatheken traffic, use rate-limiting at 2kbps.Methods of Blocking (Protocol Pack #38)OpenDrive To block OpenDrive traffic, use rate-limiting at 3kbps.Gmail Video Block Google Talk Voice signature along with Gmail Video service.Setting the Content Filtering Category Preference (Protocol Pack #39)Configure the GT_HTTP_PREFER_CONTENT_FILTERING_CATEGORY tunable to set the preference to Content Filtering Category. With the Content Filtering Enabled, when the incoming HTTP traffic matches both Content Filtering Category and HTTP Flavors configured in Cisco SCA BB, the GT_HTTP_PREFER_CONTENT_FILTERING_CATEGORY tunable is used to set the preference to Content Filtering Category. The tunable is used when the value of the GT_CLS_ENABLE_CONTENT_FILTERING_PERFORMANCE_ENHANCEMENT tunable is FALSE or when none of the HTTP Flavors matches the incoming HTTP traffic. Possible values are TRUE and FALSE. When the value is set to TRUE, the Category is preferred. But, if no matching Category ID is found, then HTTP Flavor is considered for filtering. If the value is set to False, the HTTP Flavor configured in Cisco SCA BB is preferred. By default, the value is set to FALSE.Methods of Blocking (Protocol Pack #42)Ultrasurf To block Ultrasurf traffic, use rate-limiting at 3kbps.Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide5-19Methods of Blocking (Protocol Pack #42)Chapter 5 General Information5-20Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Protocol Reference Guide
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